My god this is like a freudian nightmare of epic proportions. I hate David Cameron to begin with, but I also can't stand Tony Blair. It makes me sad that the only politics parties in the UK are predominantly right wing on the political compass right now. I do laugh at the whole "VOTE YES IRELAND FOR FUCK SAKE" and then they vote yes and then the UK gets wind of who could be incharge and now they're like WTF DID YOU DO IRELAND HOW COULD YOU SELL US OUT LIKE THIS?
Poland and the Czech Republic left to vote on it. I'm sure they voted yes last time, but with these things you can never be too sure. Like watching a train wreck for sure. Thanks for taking away most of the nation's rights, Europe.
On the other hand did my first night shift; loved it. Came home and then i think I just fucking DOZED till 8pm, so tonight may actually be a struggle :(