Aug 27, 2020 21:47
This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity. Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.
1). Backtagging: Yes.
2). Threadhopping: Yes.
3). Fourthwalling: Go nuts.
4). Canon puncture: I have no idea what this is, but sure!
5). Offensive subjects (elaborate): Again, go nuts. I'm hard to offend and/or squick, and Jane's the type to be pretty interested in offensive subjects.
This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity. Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:
1). Hugging this character: Yes, but, unless you have CR, she'll lineface at you. Then, again, she linefaces all the time, so...
2). Kissing this character: KISSES FOR ALL~! I mean, sure, but don't expect anything back.
3). Flirting with this character: Jane's used to it. She might even flirt back if you interest her.
4). Fighting with this character: It'd be hard to fight with Jane, seeing as she's not the type to get involved. Still, go ahead.
5). Injuring this character (include limits and severity): As long as she's not being skinned alive, I'm cool with it.
6). Killing this character: Depends on the game. If she can be brought back, yes. If not, no.
7). Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Have fun with that.