Patch Notes: 5767.1.28

Apr 16, 2007 11:07

A list of changes that you should be made aware of:

- Clouds should now animate correctly, resulting in more predictable weather patterns.

- A bug has been fixed that caused players to get no positive reputation points for quests completed with Iran. It should now be theoretically possible to get on Iran's "good side."

- The AoE damage dealt by nuclear weapons has been reduced by 30%.

- Partsufim will now answer prayers made by Priest and Paladin classes directly.

- The health bonus given by each individual point of stamina has been increased by 10%.

- The Priest's "Divine Retribution" spell has had the duration of the de-buff it gives to the enemy reduced to 60 minutes, but now has a chance to proc once every 90 seconds.

- To increase client-side efficiency, all Mages are now myopic unless wearing glasses. Nerds.
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