My hibiscus has 25 buds on it, in various stages of progression, which means I should have blooms for like, two weeks!!!! I'm so excited!!!
Also, when I got out of my truck just now in the parking lot a big blustery wind blew dirt in my eye :( It is discomforting. That's the only thing I don't like about the windiness down here. BAH.
I made tea to bring to class, and it looks like sewage water, because it's matcha, and that's how matcha looks unless you're making 'two days on Mount Fuji' and then it's a very pretty green and foamy color. But today it's just regular matcha and it looks like sewage water. Which is kind of fun, because people will think that's what I'm drinking, and then I get to call them idiots.
I forget what all I've told y'all already today. I got my averages for PP&APU and Props class. They are, respectively, 86 and 94. I am awesome.
My left nipple itches. Weird.
Oh, ANDY!!!! My speaker isn't working on the computer, but it's plugged in and the volume is on and itunes says it's playing but there is no sound! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SPEAKER?!?!?!?!?!?!? I am so sad without it. So sad and mopey and trying not to die. Tell me how to fix it plz. NOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!
I think this is back to the right size maybe. But then again I think not now that I am actually looking at it and whatsits. But this is too small, yes? So this has to be right. BLAH!!!!
maybeaperson! I miss your icon of whatshisnames head exploding. I feel like that today, but not in the bad painful head exploding way, but in the SURPRISE MY HEAD IS EXPLODING way. You know, like fun type stuff? Yes yes, I am sure you know of the fun type stuffs. No, silly, not like that I mean amusings. Yes, yes, amusings.
I have twenty minutes before class and nothing to do and nothing of value to say or contribute to the world.
HOWEVER, I have come up with a picture that I want to try to draw and if I get it like it's in my head then I might try to paint it over top of the black and purple thing I did. Did I tell you about that? I painted the canvas black and then from the bottom there are dark purple swirls rising up and for a while I thought to leave it like it is but then I thought of this picture and it would look perfect on such a background and would add color to what is right now only a black and deep violet painting. I haven't quite decided yet though. I hope I can draw it. It's pretty and personal, you know? So if I can't do it it might be the cause of my decay into madness and the ruin of my youth, and when they study me in school years and years from now they will sigh and say I wonder what would have become of her had she been able to draw that thing like she wanted. And then when they are grown and cultured and have my early works, whether books or pictures on their walls and shelves they will sigh and say, what a pity she went mad, had she not gone mad she would have been so great, and then their colleagues will say but she was so great already, that madness or no she couldn't have possibly gotten any better, she was the best that ever was!
I just realized that I can type really fast. I like that. I always wanted to be able to type really fast.
Seven minutes to class. I suppose I will mosey on, even though it is right down the hall, and harrass confound and confuse my teacher to the best of my ability.