Been power watching anime in March and April.

Apr 30, 2016 11:33

To the point were I finally got two emails from my internet provider that I hit the 75% data usage on my account near the end of these months. And I am nearing the halfway mark of anime watched compared to last year. Some of it was for two long series I was watching Polar Bear Cafe (50 episodes) and Chihaya furu (50 epeisodes). Plus all the series from 2015 I decided to watch for the Anime North panel reviewing anime in 2015.

And I noticed how much more variety there is becasue I chose some anime that got lower ratings in My Anime List. Now this list has an age bias in it since most anime is watched by adolescents and young adults so more subtle or mature anime would get poorer reviews. So I am glad I will be on a panel to help champion little gems of anime that need more love and understanding.

anime north, anime

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