Christmas celebrations.

Dec 26, 2015 13:42

Invited Precocious Girl and her family to Christmas Eve dinner and a Christmas movie. Mom bowed out due to a bad headache. Gave Precocious Girl are supplies and a book. I gave books to the other family members. We had Tortiere, mashed potatoes, and salad. We had Whipped Shortbread Cookies and cheeses for dessert. After Big Sister went home to wrap presents and a plate of pie and cookies for the mom, we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas.

On Christmas Day I made my usual Mincemeat Tarts and a scrap pie from the leftover pastry dough and filling. Wrapped up books from my book collection to give away to June and her family.

I got one work related phone call from someone looking for an apartment. SERIOUSLY!!! You are f*****g calling me on Christmas Day for a showing? It took all of my willpower not to blast the person who was going to tell me his current housing situation but I gently cut him off and asked him to just tell me when he wanted the showing. Needless to say this dampened my mood a bit till I got to June's.

Cabbed it out to their place using the services of my taxi driving tenant down the hall. First ride was on him but we paid him for the return trip with a hefty tip.

We had turkey, potatoes, carrots (which I helped cut up), sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and gravy cooked all day by Tad. There many cookies, the mincemeat tarts which got covered in clotted cream. I also brought a box of Rogers Chocolate Creams.

We watched Tokyo Godfathers by Satoshi Kon, one of my favourite anime movie directors. It's retelling of The Three Godfathers but set in Tokyo with three homeless people finding an abandoned baby and their travels all over Tokyo to find the mother. We also watched a digitally remastered How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Amazing how much more colourful it is now than all the past years of watching.

Those of us who LARP we talking about our new concepts for the new game in the new year.

Came home and watched some television.

holiday, movie, food, anime, june and tad, friends, gifts

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