Saturday Shopping

Oct 25, 2003 15:05

It's wet! It started raining when I left the house. Actually, more like sprinkling. So I marched to downtown to get my shopping done for tonight.

I went to one of the two Chinese grocery shops in town. I got Sushi fixings. I ran into Shari, the owner of Very Shari (a jewelery and gift shop) and her twin boys. They have gotten so big since I last saw them. I noticed the boys like Pocky.

I went to Blockbuster to find a movie but it's not there. So I went to the Central Branch Library but it was not there. Frank Orlek was though. He was getting stuff done. We talked about Anime and he wrote down some of my suggestions. He runs a Werewolf LARP and he seems to having a blast. He loves Greg's notes. Good note writing is always appreciated by Storytellers.

So I went to the Wayfarer, a second hand bookstore, to tell Walter the answer to this week's question. (It was about Franz Kafka and I got it right. like I usually do.) So we chatted about recent events in Kingston and the world. He told me to check the art show in the back of the store at the Verb Gallery.

The Verb Gallery is a small show room and a back room. They have had mostly photographic works of late. The showing was for a local woman named Stone. The work were all abstracts but enjoyable all the same. I even liked the orange she used and I hate orange. My favourite piece was titled The Three Mysteries. It made think of three smiling women sharing a secret.

I went to the grocery store. When I got to the check out there was a child having a crying fit. Somebody needs a nap soon!

I went back to Blocbuster and got Shiri, a South Korea action-thriller about South Korean agents trying to stop a North Korean assassin. And I got Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, an anime about what is real and what is right in a militaristic Japan.

There was a cute young boy with the loveliest green eyes in the line up before me. He was shy and had to prodded to answer my questions. Funny how we make children talk to strangers and tell them not talk to them when we are not around.

Anyways, I am home and I need to get into action if I am to have the place cleaned up and make goodies before people arrive. Laundry, dust , vacuum, baking and cooking rice for sushi in two and half hours. It's do able!

children, errands, larp, movies

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