Being ruthless with the purging.

Nov 29, 2014 15:05

Trying to get my place cleaned out for the holidays.

Got under and above the vanity in the bathroom. Mignonne left a lot of hair below here becasue this was a hiding spot for her a few months ago. And she played with the Qtips as well so a couple dozen had to dumped due to their post play unsanitary state. Cleared out all the old make-up I had too.

And I am doing my laundry today becasue tomorrow will be right out with one person doing laundry for 3 people all morning.

Ohter than that, I had a busy work day but it will be fine tonight with dinner out and LARP.

Tomorrow will be the kitchen and dinning room's turn to be pruged and cleaned. (Hopefully I can return some Mason jars to my mother-in-law.)

I should also update my  50 Book Challenge tomorrow.

apartment, in-laws, chores, work

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