Two movies in two days.

Jul 22, 2013 15:16

Thursday July 18, 2013

SHEILD OF STRAW.  A good movie to kick off my Fantasia Film Festival. Takashi Miike looks at the conundrum of police officers charged to protect a child murderer who has a 1 billion yen bounty on his put there by the dying grief stricken grandfather of the victim. In an American dirctor's hands this would had more explosive action but Miike keeps the action to the everyday level of transportation system the Japanese use and takes for granted, planes, trains, and automobiles. And it works. Grief, greed, justice, and human desires collide in this very Japanese thriller.

Friday July 19, 2013

RED2 - Fun with some wonderful twist and turns.

montreal, movies, fantasia film festival, japan

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