The kitties are getting along better.

May 15, 2013 17:36

Gris-gris is not swatting at Mignonne when I am right beside her. He stares at her when she is in the open in the computer room. Mignonne does not run all the time to her hidey hole. She spends more time behind the computer screen and today she did not scamper when Gris-gris and Souci were in the window sill.

The weather is being unseasonably cold. I want to get some planting done soon.

I got rhubarb and made Straw-berry-Rhubarb Pie for Mother's Day and took it to June's. Had soup for supper and played Crazy 8s with June and Buddha Monkey. I made Rhubarb Squares, think date squares but with rhubarb filling instead.

Nine days till Anime North. Really need to make a musical flash drive for the trip.

anime north, food, music, gris-gris, mignonne, sans-souci, weather

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