No thanks random idiot!

Apr 23, 2011 09:09

I went out to celebrate a friend,s birthday last night. It was a good night and the band was OK, the crowd was a mix of 20 somethings to 60 plus somethings. One elderly couple danced to a Dwight Yokum and the dancing was a bit sparser after that but it was a smallish crowd due to being Good Friday. Being told by the band I am going to Hell for drinking on Good Friday is not that endearing being a very lapsed Catholic, the church being somewhat good on 11th hour confessions and all.

But the thing that pissed me off was being egged on my way home by some jack asses in a red or burgundy car. And it hurt. next time I will take note of your license plate number and call the police idiot.

birthday party, kingston downtown

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