Easter Weekend.

Apr 14, 2009 21:22

Mostly played WoW but I did have dinner with the In-laws on Saturday. I brought cookies.

I had to laugh on Saturday. My mother-in-law's microwave frizzled and gave up the ghost while she was doing the chocolate pudding filling for pie. So she and my father-in-law came in early to buy a new microwave while they picked me up for dinner. I went to the No Frills grocery store to get 2 pounds of butter and some vanilla. I was in and out pretty fast since most everyone else had done their shopping earlier or the day before. But my in-laws were stuck behind another woman in the Canadian Tire line up - he card was not working. But they have a new microwave. And they are keeping the plate of the old as a serving tray despite it clearly stating you can't use it for anything else.

And my sister-in-law was lucky her daughter's Eater egg locating radar does not work on Saturdays because she hid all the Easter goodies on Saturday thinking it was Easter Sunday. We still had an Easter egg hunt for he grand kids at grandma's because the younger ones were going home late on Sunday morning and many pictures were taken of course. We flew a kite after turkey dinner with all the usual helpings and three kinds of pie.

And we checked the cool calendar my father-in-law's sister that had pics of the extended family in each month. I am the ONLY person born in August and it's a really old pic of me when I had long hair. ACK! But it was fun to see the calendar and some of the picks of family over time. I should send new pis of The Hubby and myself though.

And this Christmas I cam up with the brilliant idea of giving flash drives of family events I have and am taking. It's so hard to email some things since there is some much and I have video now too. Go me!

holiday, errands, food, family

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