And I only this one pirate icon but it's perfect for today.
I had a pretty good day at my grandmother-in-laws. I made breakfast and took my time drinking my morning tea. Grandmother-in-law and I talked about family and bit about politics and family political history. It's interesting to hear names like
Bennett actually mentioned from someone's lifetime. (Not a fan of Bennett but he is important to Canadian history. And some of the political cartoons from his era seem to echo some current issues today.)
I walked Teddy the dog. We walked up the gravely country road, strolling by the large rocks dumped by the last Ice Age and the swamp being filled in by silt and young maple trees. I could see lots of moss, lichen and trees. The ferns have fanned out very nicely since the last rains. The trees are starting to change colours already. Teddy was a very happy dog, leading me along while stopping to investigate any changes by the roadsides. Hard to believe anyone could make a living farming out this rocky landscape.
I was amused after dinner while washing the dishes by the comings and goings of a chipmunk. He would come back with his cheeks full of whatever he found to be cached somewhere near the house, most probably under the wood shed, occasionally pausing to examine us through the kitchen window. He may have some difficulties keeping his cache though because we did see a young black squirrel appear too. (Insert villain music here.) Maybe next time I will get a picture of this busy little rodent next time.