And the wild life survey of In-law's place continues.

Jul 24, 2008 11:27

We could have run over a partridge if it was slightly dummer. It's bigger than I thought in real life. And then I had the theme song for The Partridge Family running through my head for the rest of the ride to the highway.

Other than that last night was OK except for the dog needing o go out and do his business at 5AM. I got to see a flash on the horizon and hear a heavy rumble in the distance. Lovely wet weather we are having in the dog days of summer, more like the wet soggy dog days of summer.

I was supposed to go to the movie with Diggy but I am too tired and I miss The Hubby so much so I called to switch it to Saturday instead.

I have Feist's Brandy Alexander running through my head. I guess that will be my earworm tune for this summer.

And they had a waterspout in Montreal.

music, animals, weather

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