Things I learned this weekend.

Apr 27, 2008 17:41

1. That birthday parties these days can be impromptu things with teenage girls. (Thank heavens I chose the family sized lasagna with tossed salad for dinner.)

2. Puppies wake up whenever you put food in bowl.

3. That the mother dog will have tummy troubles whenever and wherever you want to sleep.

4. That Halo is not my game cause I die too often.

5. Even if you can sleep in - you won't.

6. That puppies view you as a chew toy or a source of sustenance.

7. If it takes you a half-hour to clean up a bathroom, it take two teenager half a morning.

8. That you are THE replacement for mommy/teddy bear/blankie at bed time.

9. You can get sick of Disney's Cinderella but never sick of Wallace & Gromit.

10. Short naps are a necessity.

11. That I may be weirder than I though in a teenager's eyes.

And last but not least;

12. I am a glutton for punishment but I will do it again for June and Tad. If only because I heard Tad danced with June. I still have to get June's present but that can wait till Tuesday.

And June and Tad saw a job opportunity for me downtown and I am jumping all over it.

birthday party, diggy, birthday presents, vague dude, june and tad, buddha monkey

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