Barely survived the Holidays!

Jan 05, 2007 22:37

Caught the damn flu bug that was going just in time for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. These are the two days with the bast meals and one went right through while the other came back up. *sigh*

I had only one screw up with my work schedule but I gained some hours so it's ok.

New Year's Eve was very low key.

The Costume Shop is getting re-organized big time. We discovered that we can wash the cheaper santa suits in the washing machines so that means the more expensive ones go to dry cleaning next week.

I bought my first swimsuit in years - a basic black athletic style. Now to get the pool membership to go with it.

Today, it was real fun to watch young women discover the swinging fun of fringe dresses and to hear them call their favourite colours for accents on their dresses like they were calling for shotgun for a car ride. Pity I won't be able to see their show.

I had fish and chips for dinner with Sue from Jakks Sports bar tonight. Greasy yet satisfying.

I gave into temptation too and bought a video collection real cheap.

And we got Anime On Demand from Cogeco (cable provider).

And I hate the weather because fog is so wrong in January.

holidays, health, anime, costume shop, work, movies

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