Um, I am down a soup can.

Dec 01, 2006 23:15

I bring in soup for lunch at work since it's cheaper than buying anything else in the neighbourhood I'm working in. This has been a saving grace for The Boss.

So today Sue asked me if I minded if she came in later for work so she could go to her son's Jingle Walk. (The Jingle Walk is a pre-holiday food raiser at most of the local schools. The kids walk around the schools, sing songs and jingle bells.) I said it was up to The Boss. When he heard Jingle Walk he looked surprised and angry at himself. He forgot to give his son a non-perishable food item.

I had two cans of soup left.

I knew what was happening to one of them. He also took the crackers we haven't gotten into yet.


And that just the beginning of a really odd day.

But I got to see the pretty rainbow after the torrential downpours of the day.

sue, food, the boss, work, charity, weather

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