The Other Thursday D & D Game.

May 08, 2006 18:53

Between game stuff, talking about the earlier game, and a comment made by a new player about how long he has been playing, we had a hard time keeping a straight face.

Hadar's Journal
We made it back to Cauldron. We found out that the wands were taken away by another person earlier in the day. She used to a be a city guard till she murdered her squadron. We re-provisioned ourselves.

Orin got a not for a clandestine meeting. He was to come alone. He brought Jarovar with him in a Bag of Holding. I hope Jarovar can hold his breath real long. Orin got a map to where we would find the wands. I wish he would learn so patience because I do need a full nights sleep to get my spells back. Sometimes paladins can be a pain.

We made it down into the caves below the city. We walked to the under city. It was a huge cavern with a basket hung in mid-air on ropes ot go to the other side. Needless to say it was guarded. We dispatched the two guards fairly easily.

Orin and Jarovar were the first to go over. I really need to get my strength up cause it was hard to turn the winch's wheel. Jack kept watch. I herd the collapse of the roof. Orin was under it. He was ok but he took a lot of damage. Jacovar gave him some healing potions. Jack and I then came over.

We are faced with dozens of doors on a few levels. So we started on our right and worked to the left. The first door lead into a pretty dull room. Except it's trapped to descend and spikes come up and impale the unwary.

The second room looked fine. Jacovar stepped in and disappeared into the floor. Orin reached down and grabbed him. Jacovar was being attacked by some small red creatures in the water. Jacovar mentioned he had rope but he had not used it right away. After the second room, he put some on.

The third room was a beautiful dinning room of some sort. The floor is finely polished. There is a big table with a dozen chairs in the centre of the room. There are two large braziers at either end of the room. There were four doors leading out of the room. One lead into the hall we were in already.

We investigated the double doors in the middle of the back wall. It lead into a hall way but Jaovar says it's trapped. I could barely make out the holes in the walls.

Out of Character Stuff
We laughed so hard it hurt.

One of the guys from the earlier game was talking about some of his other games. He said he had been playing for six years - he's nineteen. He's been playing since he was thirteen. I am old enough to be his mom. Six years is not a long time to be playing D & D.

The other funny thing was Jacovar's player.
Jacovar's player out of character: "Watch the floor be an illusion."
He misses DM's twitch.
Jacovar's player: "I walk into the room"
DM:"Make a reflex roll"
Jacovar's player fails reflex roll.
We all laugh.
DM:"For a minute there, I thought your had read the adventure!"

And our DM kept calling braziers "brassieres". It had some interesting effects on our imaging of the big room with giant D cups at either end of the room.

rpg, d & d, nexus, thursday night

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