
Jul 11, 2020 18:30

Name: Raikou
Game/Series: Pokemon
Canon Point: Post Gen IV (DPPt/HGSS)
Age & Grade Level: Early 50s, Sophomore.

If life is like a box of chocolates, Raikou is the dark chocolate with Orange filling that leaves a bitter-sweet taste lingering at the back of your tongue until you eat something else.

Walking down the hallways, Raikou gives the air of someone with places to go and people to see, always in a hurry to go nowhere. With extravagant clothing and wild hair, she seems friendly enough.. but only to the point where she'll stop and return a quick hello before continuing on her way. Brisk and to the point.
It may seem rude, but if you really want to talk with her, you have to walk with her as well or be left behind. Clearly this is the poorly socialized pokemon's way of making friends.

Even though she'll make you work for her friendship, once you crack though that cold outer shell you'll be rewarded with a rather surprisingly shy and curious girl who's happy to lend you a hand, be it helping you with your homework or breaking into Mr. Hyde's office to steel the recording of you mooning the camera outside the boy's room.

She just won't die for you. Raikou's first reaction to most serious problems (bad grades, friend troubles, starting to lose a fight) is to run. It's hard to tell if she's a coward or if she just hates the though of losing so much she'd rather forfeit or ignore the more serious of life's issues.

While by no means short tempered, Raikou gets sad and angry just like anyone and such negative emotions tend to show up in the form of seclusion and biting/chewing on things. Pencils, her fingernails... and rarely, your face. Her bedding shoulders the full brunt of her frustrations and the hems of her pillows and comforters are as serrated as her room is messy. Thankfully, you're more likely to be struck by lightning then be on the receiving end of any physical aggression on Raikou's part. A little bit of passive-aggressive moping is the worst most people have to worry about until her bad moods pass.

Unfortunately for teachers and students, friend and foe alike, Raikou has a great deal of pent up energy packed away into her tiny frame at any given time. Classes that deal with battling and physical activity are usually her favorite but only when a good deal of motion is involved; if it requires her to be in one spot to long, no matter how interesting the topic, her focus devolves. It's particularly bad in lecture based classes. Tapping her fingers, bouncing her foot up and down, shifting and squirming in her seat. A clear sign that Raikou isn't paying attention is an avoidance of eye contact. For classes that get a little too boring for her tastes, Raikou might just wonder off and lurk in the back of another teacher's class room. Any subject, even biology, is far more interesting when you shouldn't be there.

Otherwise, expect a lot of chewed pencils and unidentified flying rubber bands.

When she does try to pay attention, notes for these classes tend to include a lot of shorthand.
In turn, her handwriting is made up of straight lines, gone over two or three times to give them a bold, rough look. When she's really in a hurry, the letters tend to get jumbled together in blocks of black.

If writing style is any indication of speech, it's no surprise that Raikou tends to slur, sometimes dropping whole words and cutting the rest in half. She butchers the English language with a weak grin and flippant hand motions.

Her energy isn't endless however and once it's expended, Raikou likes to unwind with quick naps wherever the urge takes her. It's not uncommon to see her stretched out in the branches of a tree or curled up in the locker room after gym. Unsurprising, she adopts a very cat-like posture while sleeping. She'll never get a full eight hours of sleep, doomed instead to 1-2 hour frequent naps.

In her free time, Raikou tends to poke her nose into things, most of which she shouldn't. The larger the keep-out sign, the more likely she's gonna try and find a way inside. Nine time out of ten, these excursions lead to disappointment. For some reason the unknown just never lives up to the expectations her imagination sets up for her. Cell phones, computers and video games are the most interesting to Raikou. If it has colourful lights and lots of buttons she can spend hours just fiddling with all the different features. Thankfully, her constant need to move has kept her from discovering that placing metal objects in microwaves cause sparks.

There are plenty of legends regarding Raikou and where they come from, the most popular is that they descended from the heavens as a bolt of lightning given life, as fast as a flash and it's roar embodying the clap of thunder that soon follows.
Others claim that it was created by Arceus, a nature spirit charged to watch over all electric pokemon in their time of need.
There is even a tale of a tower, which burst into flames as lighting stuck it, and of a fabulous rainbow hued bird reviving three legendary beasts from the wreckage.

Asking Raikou herself only results in an off-handed shrug and mumbled "Dunno. An egg?"

After all, her first memory is not of hatching or a loving couple but of leaving behind a warm, comfortable darkness and stepping out into the world on wobbly paws next to two others, staring out at a sky only just shedding it's vivid blues for silken robes of violet, pink, orange and puce dotted with ten thousand twinkling stars.

Raikou's years after that have been spent roaming the beautiful Johto countryside, dashing through thickets of tall aromatic grasses and sleeping in the shade of ancient pine trees. She saw nothing of the others she parted ways with. Only the occasional familiar sent brushed against a tree trunk kept her company as she gave in to a constant urge to move, to chase clouds that were black and heavy with electric charges.

Running, leaping, barreling down slopes and though fields left little time for anything more then a passing meeting with an area's local pokemon population. Worse was that strange pokemon sometimes brought the threat of a trainer with them. Menacing. Foreboding.
It was easier to just minimize her interactions with other species, putting most faith in those like herself.

But as she grew older, she grew braver.. or she simply grew reckless.
The countryside was not enough and with the hum of radio waves ringing between her teeth, Raikou stalked though the darkness closest to Goldenrod City.
When the magnet train was built, Raikou followed the strange machine which made her fur stand on end, racing against it until it reached another city of bright lights and towering buildings.

Kanto was no different then Johto in terms of geography. Rocky cliffs, open plains, and cities that hummed with an electrical current.
She traveled south and met water. She traveled north, west then south again only to find herself on the banks of the ocean once again.

This time the scent of ash is thick in the warm air currents, heady clouds of volcanic discharge drawing the lighting from her purple mane.

As quickly as a summer storm peters out to a drizzle, the earth rumbles beneath her feet and Raikou is chasing after red fur between buildings and trees. Faster and faster, until the fiery new-comer is almost within her grasp. Faster, until her legs ache and turn to jelly. Raikou has always been quick on her feet but this stranger has endurance on their side.
She never does catch up. Entei slips off into the mountains.

It's the first and only time she's fortunate enough to see another legendary in the wild.

As Raikou moves on and time passes, words are passed around. Pokemon are gossipers and none are worse then a small family of pachirisu she's escorting though Golem territory in return for some of their cashed food. There's a large building meters away where pokemon gather with humans and other creatures, where Legendaries are spotted their more then any other location in recent memory.

Raikou doesn't stay long enough to hear the littlest Pachirisu tell her mother about how she wishes she could go and wear pretty human clothing too.

Anything Else?:
- In terms of Pokemon stats, Raikou is:

Lv. 20

Hasty nature, likes to scatter things about.

- Roar
- Thunder Shock
- Leer
- Bite

- Given her nature, Raikou's favorite foods are sweets, while sour food makes her face twist up all funny.
Lollipops and other typically kiddish treats tend to be her favorites, and while she loves it, caramel corn tends to get stuck between her teeth.
For meals, she prefer things like hot pockets and mini-pizzas - items you can heat up and eat on the run.

- Her favorite kind of music is Synthpop. She often plays it when she should be focusing on something else. She has no music chops of her own however and giving her any kind of instrument will only end badly.
Her favorite colour is, surprisingly, not yellow but electric blue.
Other favorites include...

Season: Cusp of summer/Early autumn.
Drink: Strawberry Soda
Animal: Squirrels
Book: ... do comic books count?
Article of Clothing: Those fun shape rubber band bracelets.

- Skinny and scrawny with no fashion sense. She's a scene dog with 60% less fur.

- She's a bit of a typist, preferring the company of electric pokemon above all others.
She'll readily help out a pichu with their books while pointing and laughing at the kid who trips and lands face first.
The only thing that seems to override her favoritism is the affinity she has towards other legendaries.

- Speaking of legendaries, she tends to see them as her 'cousins,' primarily in regards to other legendary trios.

- She's a superconductor! Watch her race down a hallway, grab a doorknob and blow out the lights for the entire wing of the school in the world's most impressive display of static electricity.

- If she has any outstanding verbal ticks, it's a perchance towards abbreviations and colloquials.
Things that are important are usually highlighted blue.

In-Character 3rd person writing post:
The room is a far cry from expansive forests and the wilderness. Off-white walls box in a room with minimal furnishings, a narrow slit in the wall serving as the only window. Already she's abandoned the standard issue laptop and uniform on top of her bed. The real interest lays in what can only be her roommate's side of the room. The bedding is the same generic red and white school colours her own is dressed it, but the slight creases from use make it more inviting. Laying down, Raikou stretches out, then begins to root though much more personal things. There's clothing in one burrow and books in a sidetable drawer. The prettiest and shiniest objects get picked up, studied, then shoved back where they belong.

When she runs out of other people's things to toy with, Raikou turns her attention to the other objects in the room.
A TV turns on and off with a static discharge, the radio only picks up three stations and a small refrigerator smells a bit like spoiled milk and canned meat.

When the number of appliances she can fiddle with dwindles down to only the laptop, Raikou tries on the uniform. It's weird in the way it hangs off her frame, but overall it's no more uncomfortable then walking on two legs or using the bathroom in her new form.
In turn, the laptop is far more user friendly. A button turns it on and off, more are used to type, and a pad near the bottom allows her to point and click at the different pictures on the screen.
The School's electronic journal systems are surprisingly easy to understand as well, with an area designated to type your post, a toggle box for the privacy settings for the post, and a button to click when you're ready to send.

She reads the FAQ over a few times, foot thumping against the floor, just to make sure she's got it all down before she starts to type.

*application, -ooc

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