Oct 31, 2006 15:58
Okay, so things to note about ze Carnival:
The Carnival itself is super-reinforced, high-level illusory magic. Anyone with the capability can easily sense the magic BLEEDING off of it (especially since Queen Nehelenia is now present).
KIDDIE ROOM: People hopping multi dimensions will flip from landscape to landscape, but at all times, every landscape is actually IN CAMP (treat it all as a subdimensional deal). That can be ended if someone breaks the door (who is actually the Ojama/Familiar, Fusuma). Eventually, all doors taken will lead to the Hall of Oddities.
Cursed Fortunes: Uh, they don't come true if you don't want them too. They will be as cracktastic as they can be (or as is suggested. :D).
Artwork: Shall be posted at a later time in an OOC post unless I'm in a slow period, at which point I'll put up the bad photoshops as they come. :Dd
Quizes: They're...quizes. Strip/dress version. Miss a question, lose a piece of clothing (or, for the PG version, gain a piece of clownsuit). Fully nekkids means you get dressed up in a silly costume and dropped into another location of the carnival. Full clownsuit means the same. Win, and get some really tasty lolipops full of stolen life energy. (strength/speed/stamina +10, usable whenever) :D
Hall of Mirrors: Where the MAJOR illusions will hit. Can range from things like your ebil mirror twin, to something played out of your dark creepy past, to a future you want to see/don't want to see. Or maybe the Director's true agenda. Who knows? Dun break the mirrors or the tiger might get angry~....
Circus Main Tent: Pallapalla's arena. |D
Hall of Oddities: Potamos' arena. People who "fall" in here shall be mocked in a jovial manner. And the zombies will laugh. :Dd
Carnie Games: The carnie games shall all be run by the Doom Phantom. Skiball, water gun games, devil cotton candy (made with aggression--not to be confused with hatred), Test Your Skill bell game, goldfish games, etc. Go nuts. :Dd