Aug 12, 2005 16:55
so, I just dropped a bottle of hand sanitizer, and it exploded all over the place... pertty cool, eh?
Yea, I'm still working, still in iraq. Got some good news, we're leaving sooner than our last projected date said we were, but I still have a couple of months to go. I can't wait. I will be going to kuwait early to help with washrack detail (washing track vehicles (like tanks for you peons)). It should be a cake assignment down there. I was told by the XO that we'll probably end up getting in nice barracks, only working a couple hours a day, just chilling out in nice safe kuwait for a couple of weeks. I guess the washing of the vehicle isn't a very big part of the job. What takes the time is waiting in line to get the vehicles inspected. I'm thankful that we're only taking like 15% of our vehicles back home with us. WE got all the other ones converted and uparmored, so they're staying behind for the next group, instead of us taking our vehicles out of the country and them moving thiers in. Hopefully the vehicles we get back home will be decent ones, instead of the old krusty, falling apart crap ones.
anyway, that too much military talk, even for me. Those of you that know me well understand that I'm not the type of person that would join the army at all, but it hasn't been too bad a deal. It pays much better than any job I can get back home, and it's paying for me to go to college, so I can get a job that will pay decently for me after I get out of the army (only 4 more years to go!!!).
Good news for me. I got a package today. it was perfect! it had swedish fish, soy milk, imported black licorice, cheetos, chips ahoy (CHEWY!!) pictures, all that good stuff. I was so totally excited. I wish I had my hair and my clothes back (weird side note, but I wasn't that uncool back home)
GAr, I dont' know what to talk about now. peace out.