3rd Diagnosis | Audio + Text

Oct 27, 2010 15:45

Attention idiots and morons of the Elegante:

My name is Doctor Gregory House and since you can't seem to go a week without injuring yourself and some of you fear your robot overlord doctor, part of deck 17 has been turned into a medical center. Well, sort of. Apparently I'm the only real doctor around here. Well aside from that Bones guy. But chunks of him are missing. Gross.

Which brings me to my next point. I need a team. It's preferable that you have some medical experience. But people here don't seem very picky. So as long as you can tie a pretty bow tie, then you're good.

Okay now I've been dying to know. What's the quickest way to die here?

[The entire post follows again in text for our non-English speakers out there. And at the end this follows.]

( . )( . )

[The audio cuts back on.]

Hey I can draw boobs on this thing.

!text, no ordinary doctor, aren't we just a ray of sunshine, house is a pain in the ass, paging doctor house, charming to a fault, house and his team, i probably already hate you, but they're not cuddy's boobs, what malpractice suit? lol boobies, !audio

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