Stranded in Mayfield Chapter 6: Dude, where's my arm?

Feb 10, 2011 14:27

*coming from the post office is Nanashi*

*There seems to be something different about her... is that a lovely shade of red that's spurting out of her left arm socket? Why yes, it is. She's missing an arm*

*she doesn't seem to mind terribly, though. She may be walking a little awkwardly, but her expression isn't any different from her usual. At least she managed to find a towel to put over her arm on the way so that she doesn't just bleed to death*

*for those of you with any attunement to magic, she's currently radiating a good deal of energy, too. It's not wasted energy, she just... feels like she has quite a lot of magic bottled up inside that relatively small body of hers. Even those that are normal people might feel goosebumps just being around her. She'd normally hide it but... she's busy trying to ignore the pain and not falling unconscious*

*her destination? "Home", of course, at 450 stone street. Feel free to meet her along the way or at the house, whoever you may be*

post office, 450 stone street

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