OOC; State of the Pups November 2010

Nov 24, 2010 22:32

State of Me: Can I please stop being sick ever?

Character: Jack O'Neill
Character LJ:has_2ls
Canon: Stargate SG-1
General: Jack and Sam just had the most woeful argument ever about how he got her pregnant and she isn't happy about having a baby :( It's good plot for them, if only because they never really have any strife in their relationship, but it is hard on Jack to fight with Sam because she's his best friend and fiancee all wrapped up into one. I really enjoyed his birthday party even though I fell down on it and overall I'm happy with him. My goal is to get him posted open sometime this month for both new and old and his wedding is planned for December 13th.

His one year anniversary is on November 15th. OMG.

Character: Jacob Black
Character LJ:quileutejacob
Canon: Twilight
General: Jacob is still precious and last month I had a great plot for him with Remus regarding their wolfy sides and I really loved getting a chance to actually have some angst for him. I think I want to follow up with the wolf angst at some point this month, maybe a thread with Remus, and give him a little bit of an eye-opener since he's usually a happy go lucky guy. I'd also love threads with Belle and Alexis and Lux and all the other teenagers I'm sure I'm missing here in this little blurb.

Jacob is such a great pup to play because he's easy and fun, but has the potential for angst if need be. Love him.

ETA: So, now he's losing Morgan, so Jacob's easygoing life is going to come to a halt for a little while.

Character: Princess Zelda
Character LJ:hylianqueen
Canon: Legend of Zelda
General: Zelda had an awful month last month, losing Sledge, but she did decide to pursue something approaching monogamy with Ygritte, so we'll see how that goes. I love playing Zelda, don't get me wrong, but she's kind of quiet and moody and had a lot of drops right there together so I'm in a rough patch with her. I want to evaluate her, see how she pans out, especially since she's only been IG since April, but if I was dropping someone, she'd be it just because those drops have been hard on her.

Character: Niko Leandros
Character LJ:fears_nothing
Canon: Nightlife
General: I feel a lot better about Niko's voice after last month. I've struggled for a while, but I imagine that mostly has to do with the fact that Jack, Magnus, Jacob and Peter could talk to the wall and Zelda and Niko are a lot more reserved. Still, I've found the trick with Niko is to selectively tag him and not force him into EPs and he usually ends up with a good bit of linkdump action.

On the relationship front, he did finally kiss Susan, but it will more than likely be a year from now before he actually evaluates what that means. So slow. He'll need to talk to Cal about this, sort of, and he's dealing with Robin's disappearance. Other than that, he's completely up for anything.

Character: Dr. Helen Magnus
Character LJ:lastof_five
Canon: Sanctuary
General: I always say that Magnus is going to have a quiet month and then she ends up with the most threads or equal to Jack. Sigh. I don't like to play favorites, but she and Jack are neck and neck for that one and I find most days, Magnus is the easiest to play. I really love the people she's met and she gets along with just about everyone, I've found, so if there's someone to throw at people, she's it.

I'd love for her to get some female friends because right now she's got just Luce and Juliet and she has a whole gaggle of male friends, plus Will. I'm fairly happy with her and I know I'll be giving her an item in the next few months and it'll be Ripper related, but I haven't decided between Druitt's locket or her engagement ring. Either way, it'll end up bursting her bubble and angsting her.

Eventually, she's going to be with Will but right now they're just doing this awkward dance that frustrates the hell out of her. He did kiss her though, so there's progress XD.

ETA: Well, Hawkeye disappeared on her, which brought up her old demons about outliving everyone, and now Morgan, so she's going to be a little mopey. She and Will sort of fooled around a little and she's happier relationship wise, but she's a little shaken.

Character: Peter Nichols
Character LJ: rhymingdevil
Canon: Remember Me
General: Peter finally has friends! I busted my ass with him last month and I hope it showed, because I feel more confident in his voice and I'm really loving his friendships with Raylan, Thirteen, Helena and Savannah. I'd love for him to have a few more guy friends (what IS it with my pups only having friends of the opposite sex?) and I really just want to work on having him branch out from Shari. She's a busy woman and he's dogging her steps right now, so it's nice to have him out and about on his own.

ETA: He and Shari fought and Peter moved out. He's temporarily living with Savannah and going to start therapy with Will. He...is still not sure what he did wrong there.

Character: TJ Johansen
Character LJ: justa_medic
Canon: Stargate Universe

OMG. TJ is new new new and I love her. She's laid back, which is nice, and I'm enjoying each and every one of her threads right now. Her biggest plot right this second is the pregnancy and because I'm kind of mean, I want her to go into labor at Jack and Sam's wedding. Nothing better than your water breaking at the wedding of two people so high ranked you cant even see their knees from where you are, right? She's gonna be so embarrassed.

Lam is going to be her doctor but I'm really looking forward to having her branch out from the gate pups some. I think, with her being from SGU, that will be easier to accomplish since she doesn't have 10+ years of being with the same team. I am especially loving her friendship with Baze.


Chloe is really on reserve. For real. I've had her app 70% written for months and months now and I've settled on an entry point sometime in late S8. I originally wanted to avoid the emo, but I think I'm going to pull her from the S8 finale after SPOILER Jimmy dies SPOILER. It's just such a big turning point for her, moving from Chloe to Watchtower, and I wanted to bring her at the precipice instead of before or after.

Future wise, I'm tossing up a few things: Knives from Scott Pilgrim, Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files and possibly Norrington or Jon Snow if they come off retirement. Still, if I get Chloe, I'm at eight and that's...a lot. I may stay there for a while and see if I can handle it. I was also thinking about this character named Mina Wentworth from a steampunk novel I'm reading right now. She's a totally badass Victorian police inspector and is described as looking exactly like Rhona Mitra. \o/

ooc, tr

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