Yay for good weather! At long last...

Apr 10, 2009 17:44

Well, first of all, my courtyard is a bit like some weird wonderland scene right now o_O The smell of wisteria wafting in the breeze is overpowering, the grass I planted is getting tall and BRIGHT green, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining strongly, and over it all rides the tinkling, crystalline sound of….a xylophone playing I think??? It’s freaking me out. It sounds like its coming from the unfinished back side of the main house, which is locked up and where no one lives….my neighbors in the front of the house are musicians, so it’s probably coming from their place, but it’s weird that it’s resounding so loudly all the way back in the courtyard.

But anyway, during all this, seeing as I had nothing to do for once this afternoon, I decided to drag Vinny out of his box to go play in the sun! Because he’s definitely the sunny sort, you know….

I can’t wait to give him a new face-up T_T Gotta wait till I’m back in NC though….it’s humid again in Savannah, and it ruins the pastels I use. I might try it anyway, but SCAD gives me no free time for such lengthy processes.
And I am going back to NC next week, but the new boyfriend-type-thing will be joining me, so probably no time for dolly face-ups! Even though he thinks they’re cool and tried to paint Aravin with me when I attempted it in Savannah :D
And these all ended up portrait shots because his legs have gotten SO kicky....and I need to find that extra part Leeke sent to put in his neck that, um, actually makes his head posable.  Right now he can't look up or down at all really XP

Oh....and in more angry I-wanna-demolish-SCAD news.....the end of the quarter (finals week) just HAPPENs to coincide with Animazement >:O!!!!!!  I'm SO frickin' disappointed to have to miss another convention.  Grr.  *cries*
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