
Jul 16, 2008 18:31

I slept until 3:30 PM today.  ;_;  I think that's a new record for me . . . I did get up at 6 AM though and stayed up feeling sick till about 7:30, but still.  I feel awful.  Ugh.  So I just sat down and stole this meme people have been doing . . .

Obviously it's about all my dolls though ^^  Not especially interesting I guess, but you might get to know more about my dolls' personalities, which I don't really get into much.

[1] What is your name and birthdate?

Paisley, March 3

[2] How long have you been interested in dolls?
Since . . . 2003 I think? But at that point I couldn’t find any info not in Japanese and kind of gave up. They kind of stayed in the back of my mind until I saw a friend had bought one.

[3] How many SD dolls do you have?
6- 3 slim minis, 1 SD size, and two tinies.

[4] What is the name(s) of your doll(s)?
Ajeet, Aurora Moxley, Lucien Costeau, Cleaestra, Lichen, and Israel (who is technically owned by my boyfriend, but is all but mine now as the boyfriend is too “freaked out” by the dollie crowd o_O)

[5] What type of SD do you have?
A 43cm Narin and Narae, an Unidoll Limited UH-07, a Banji Eomji, a Tinybear Bracken, and an Orient Doll Tae

[6] Do you believe in Fate?
Eh . . . probably? But what’s it got to do with dolls?

[7] Who is the manufacturer of your doll(s)?
Narindoll, Unidoll, Orient Doll, umm . . . Dollmore? And Bobobie technically makes Tinybear’s dolls I guess?

[8] What was your first reaction when you saw your SD for the first time?
When I saw Lucien, I flipped out. Issy was the first I saw in person though, and I was pretty in awe by him, too.

[9] Have you shown your doll off at a Doll Show?
Doll meets and conventions I guess . . .

[10] Which do you prefer? Commercial SDs (such as Kyon customed dolls) or Customizing your own SD?
Customizing my own. Some of my dolls just have their default face-ups, but I definitely prefer to make them “my own” rather than sticking with the manufacturer’s idea.

[11] How do you feel about Commercial SDs?
Many of them are gorgeous, but not for me usually because they wouldn’t suit my vision for a doll without some modifications I’d feel guilty about. In most cases they wouldn’t anyway.

[12] Did you create a personality/background for your doll(s)?
More like I already had the personality and background and looked for the doll?

[13] What type of relationship do you have with your doll (eg. beloved daughter, friend)?
I am their GOD! Muah-hahaha!

[14] Does your SD have a nickname?
Ajeet- “Jeje”

Cleaestra- “Aestra”

Lucien- “Lu” or “Lucy”

Aurora- “Rory”

Lichen . . . Well, Lichen lucked out, didn’t he?

And poor Israel has several- “Issy,” “Taeter,” “Taeter Tot”

[15] What special meaning does your doll's name have?
Ajeet- comes from a Sikh word meaning “invincible warrior” or something like that. I can’t remember exactly right now. But Ajeet is something of a war hero, so that’s why.

Cleaestra- is totally made up. Just seemed to suit her precocious little self.

Lucien- is a nice French name, for a nice half-French boy :D And means something about “light,” which is a bit of a reference to Lucien’s obsession with his god-like status to someone.

Aurora- is a variation on the name of a girl who lived in Ireland in the 12th century that I feel very connected to. She was sort of left in the care of another family, setting up tragic consequences, and her story mimics Aurora’s in some ways.

Israel- I’m not really sure, would have to ask my boyfriend.

Lichen- because he is a wily little wood elf?

+ Accessories +

[16] Does your SD have a special seat/place in your room? If so, where?
They all stay locked away in a big ole’ chest at the foot of my bed, except for the tinies, who have a couch on my dresser right now. They move around occasionally.

[17] Did you buy a chair specifically for your SD?
Yep, they have a bunch of chairs, but I hardly take them out nowadays. The new house doesn’t give me enough space to leave them out.

[18] Does your SD have accessories of his own? (eg. pets, toys, hairbrush)
Hmm . . . Ajeet has a special necklace I made for him. Lucien and Aurora also share a special necklace with a tiny bottle attached.

[19] What hard to find items do you wish you could get for your doll?
Nicely done period clothing? Of course, there are some to be found, I just don’t have the money to be found to buy them =_=

[20] What is the most expensive thing you've bought for your doll?
Hrm . . . Mio clothes, probably? That and Gumdrop eyes.

+ Traveling +

[21] When you go out, do you take your doll with you?
Only if I’m with other doll people. My friends just think the dolls are uber-weird.

[22] If so, where have you taken your doll?
I took Lucien to Cone’s Manor for his birthday, and that’s all I’ve done, really.

23] Is there a regular place you take your doll out to?

[24] If you do take your doll out of the house, how do you carry her? (eg. SD violin case, backpack,etc)
If I take them out, they go in my doll-carrying bag, which is a big, pink ridiculous thing.

[25] When you do take your doll out, is it easy to do or do you find it's more trouble than it's worth?
It’s much too troublesome.

+ Etc +

[26] Does your doll have a friend? Do you think your doll wants a friend?
They are each other’s friends I guess o_O Issy is probably the most sociable of all of them.

[27] If you could build your dream FCS for free, what would it be?
Dunno . . . I would be really happy with a Kun girl though. I’ve really grown fond of that face for some reason.

[28] What is your favorite optional head?
F-16 probably

[29] What is your least favorite optional head?
I dislike quite a few of them, honestly. I think it’s Megu that bothers me most. That face looks so full of itself XP

[30] What type of fantasy head would you like to see produced?
Umm . . . I do not know? Elves are enough for me, really.

[31] What made you choose your SD out of all the various types?
My first one, Narin, I chose because he was just such a gorgeous, ethereal mold and could have so many different looks. Plus I liked that I could order a fully custom face-up on him without sending him out somewhere else. And he had that very hard to describe “pale brown” skin I had in mind for Lucien.

+ Clothing and Wigs +

[32] What is your favorite wig for your doll?
I love Lucien’s Leeke World wig to bits <3

And the red mohair one Aurora has, because the curls are so long and tiny and perfect.

[33] Do you change your SD's wig often and have you tried styling the wigs?
I don’t really. I spent a good bit getting them the wigs that suited their characters perfectly, and I’m just now branching out from that more.

[34] How many wigs do you have?

Probably around 20, I think.

[35] How many shoes do you have for your doll? Does your doll have socks too?
Probably only about 5 ;_; And I have 6 dolls, so do the math. The poor tinies are bare-footed things.

[36] What types of clothing does your doll wear? (name in order of favorite styles)
Lucien is a bit of a foppish little gentleman. Aurora is girly for the most part, as is Aestra. Lichen I try to dress in woodsy colors. Ajeet just kind of acquires what he can. And Issy probably dresses the most modern out of all of them- almost exclusively in red, black, and white.

[37] Where do you purchase your SD clothing?
Different places, mostly through the DoA marketplace. I really don’t have a lot from one particular place. Will soon have a good bit of Mio clothes though, if it ever arrives -_-

[38] Do you sew clothing for your doll?
I make desperate attempts.

[39] Do you plan on dressing your doll as an anime character? If so, who?
Mmm, nope.

[40] Do you make accessories for you doll? What kinds?
I make a lot of hats and jewelry, and some other knitted things like shirts and sweaters occasionally.

[41] Have you made doll items that you plan on selling?
Yep, I do sell the hats and some other stuff.

[42] Do you sew/knit/crochet and for how long?
I knit and crochet, and try to sew but I’m not too great at it. Have been knitting about 3 years I think, crocheting for 1.5

+ Misc Owner Qs +

[43] Is there a type of music that you listen to when you are with your doll?
Nope. I really don’t listen to music unless I’m in my car, or on my computer, occasionally. That’s because I always have too much going on in my head already and music makes me crazy @_@

[44] Have you ever thought about opening a doll shop?
Hmm, actually, it’s never crossed my mind.

[45] Do you have a specific area in your home where you keep your doll?
In my room.

[46] For how long did you know about SDs before you actually got your SD?
Three years I guess

[47] Do you carry your doll around in the house?
No, I’m too careful with them. Plus I have all kinds of animals constantly at my heels.

[48] Is there a special place in your house that you like to sit with your doll?
Ajeet occasionally gets to sit in the computer room with me, but that’s only is the puppy is sleeping and the Weebie is away.

[49] What are the comments you have heard in regards to your doll, after others have seen it in person?
Aurora and Lucien get the most positive responses. People thinks they’re purty. I think people have trouble coming up with something to say about Ajeet XD Because he’s a weirdy I suppose . . .

[50] Does your doll have their own website?
This LJ is the closest thing. Maybe if I ever manage to get really good at photographing them, maybe then they’ll have a website.

+ Eyes +

[51] What is the color of your doll(s) eyes now? Also give the size of eyes too
Ajeet- 14mm light purple glass eyes. Want to get him some Ginarolos or Gumdrops.

Aestra- default 6mm brown eyes from Dollmore, which I’d love to change, but am terrified to attempt on a head so tiny.

Lichen- 8mm light blue glass ones from Orient Doll

Issy- 8mm acrylics from Orient Doll

Lucien- 10mm Gumdrops in “Copper Sparkle”

Aurora- 12mm Gumdrops in “Antiquity,” though she usually wears green eyes

[52] What is your favorite eye color for your doll(s) and why?
Mostly the colors they have right now, though I’d like to try some different ones in Ajeet.

[53] How often do you change the eyes?
Not too often. Lucien & Aurora’s get changed the most because it’s super easy to change their eyes. The other guys give me too much of a headache.

[54] How many different pairs of eyes do you have for your doll?
Probably around 12

[55] Do you believe your doll has a "soul"?
I never know how to answer this question . . .

[56] Do you talk to your doll?
Not really. Unless I’m frustrated at their eyes not going in right. Then I give them a piece of my mind, you can be sure.

[57] When talking to your doll, how does he address you?
I’d prefer “Madame,” I believe.

[58] How do men react to your doll?
They just ignore them for the most part I think. Kind of that whole “Do not understand, therefore do not acknowledge” sort of thing.

[59] What was your favorite childhood doll growing up and why?
I had a bunch of porcelain dolls with soft mohair wigs when I was very young. Rapunzel was my favorite I think. She had an awesome green velvet dress. I wasn’t really supposed to play with them though >_>… My Gene doll I thought was gorgeous, too.

[60] Did you have to sell items from a personal collection to raise money to purchase your doll?
I tried to sell my guitars but it didn’t work. I just had to save me pennies.

[61] If so, what did you sell?

[62] How much do you spend on your doll a month? What is the maximum you would spend?
Depends on my financial status and whether I’m wanting to piddle away my money on some other interest *cough* BPAL *cough* I don’t think I could ever spend over $200 on them at one time though.

[63] Have you purchased something you regretted later?
A few things, but I’ve sold them. Thankfully nothing too expensive.

[64] Do you like buying clothing sets for your doll?
Yes, I wish they had more nice things.

[65] How often do you change your dolls clothing?
Usually every time I want to do a photo shoot, or if they are going to a meet-up

[66] If you could take your doll anywhere with you in the world, where would that be?
I want to take the tinies to Ireland :D

[67] Have you ever done something to your SD and felt bad about it? (eg. leaving her naked all night, dropping her)
I feel bad about smooshing Aurora’s eyelashes while carrying her in her bag.

[68] What paint brand do you use on your doll?
I does not paint them.

[69] If you were stranded on a deserted island with your doll, what 3 things would you want for your doll to have?
UV protection?

Um . . . Clothes that covered their entire body to prevent yellowing


[70] Does your doll have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Aurora and Lucien have each other, though I’m not sure Rory would say he’s her “boyfriend.” Ajeet has a wife but she has no dolly form currently.

[71] Does your doll have siblings (eg. brother/sister)?
They don’t, actually. Aravin has a sister, who is Ajeet’s wife, but neither Aravin nor his sister are dolls yet.

[72] Will you pierce your doll's ears?
Rory has pierced ears but the holes are too damned small to get anything through! >:O

[73] Have you given your doll a manicure? What color?
I painted Rory and Lucy’s nails, but they’re just flesh colored. I might try a French manicure on Rory eventually.

[74] Did you do the esthetic process on your doll?
I’ve sanded seamed and blushed a few of them

[75] If so, are you glad you did?
Yes, it was pretty fun and easy to do

[77] If you could change anything they did with the SD body, what would it be?
Well, so far as the SD10 girl body goes, I wish it had a joint in the abdomen. And I think the wrists are a little chunky (my biggest pet peeve when it comes to dolls)

[78] Have you sueded and wired your doll?
Issy is seuded and wired, and the tinies are wired

[79] If your SD could be friends with any other SD, which SD would it be?
They are pretty antisocial critters, I think. I think Issy would like a Dollshe friend though. He’s miffed that we decided to shell him in an OD Tae rather than a Hound, which was the original plan :P

[80] Do you plan to get more SDs in the future?
*evil-style slanted-finger twiddling* Oh yes, we have plans in motion . . .

[81] If so, which SDs?
That’s classified information

[82] Do you change the paint on your SDs often?
No, I like them the way they are. Although I’d like to get Lichen a custom face-up eventually.

[83] Does your SD have a favorite color?
Ajeet- Purple probably

Lucien- also purple . . . Hmm . . .

Aurora- Gold

Lichen- Green

Cleaestra- Yellow

Issy- Red

[84] In general, what is your SDs mood or look
Ajeet- quiet, remorseful, a bit morose, but intimidating

Lucien- wicked, manipulative, immature, but oh-so-charming

Aurora- a bit fearful, innocent, confused, lost

Issy- pissed off at you. Just because. (short person complex, perhaps?)

Cleaestra- playful, cheerful, but fragile

Lichen- mischievous and sneaky

[85] Describe your SD's favorite outfit.
Ajeet- really doesn’t have an outfit that suits him perfectly yet. I like the black and red shirt he has now though, with the SSW snakeskin pants

Lucien- has some brocade-style Marsh pants and a SSW turtleneck, along with his little brown loafers, which I adore

Aurora- her favorite is probably the little blue and white ruffly dress, or the pink nightgown

Lichen- would be happy naked, I think

Aestra- the little yellow dress I made

[86] Does your SD have a formal name? What is it?
Lucien and Aurora have full names. Already given near the beginning of this :P

[87] Do you have any colored wigs for you SDs? (green or pink) Which ones?
Rory has a crazy pink and white one, and Ajeet has a black one with purple streaks. Everyone else has pretty normal colors

[88] What SD would you like to see in the future?
I don’t know really . . . there’s already a pretty good variety out there I think.

[89] If you have more than one SD, do you favor one over the others?
Lucien is my darling and I am shameless.

[90] Is your SD for display only?
No, I don’t display them at all. They’d turn mustardy.

[91] Do you have any brand name clothing for your SDs?
Yeah, they have a good bit of well-known “brands”

[92] Is there any SDs you regret not buying?
Sometimes I regret getting 43cm Narin and Narae instead of 60cm

[93] Do any of your friends own SDs?
The few I’ve met through the hobby do, obviously, but my other friends . . . nope. They think I’m insane.

[94] Do you have SD get togethers?
I attend them occasionally, never held one myself though

[95] Have you lied about the true cost of your SD to your family or friends?
Yes. For amusement’s sake. I told my sister Lucien cost me $200 and she thought that was crazy. Hehehe

[96] Do you think of yourself as being obsessive about your SD? If so, explain?
I’m obsessed with Lucien but more than the doll form of him. *blush*

[97] If the house was on fire, what would you grab first? Your SD, wallet, clothes or no time and save yourself?
I have their carrying case right beside their sleeping chest just for that event :[ I would probably go for my pets before anything though.

[98] Did you buy a digital camera only because you wanted to take pictures of your SD to show off online?
That’s one of the main reasons I’d like my own DSLR

[99] If you passed on, who gets your SD? wife/husband/kids/best friend/no goes with me! Explain why!
I’d request that Aurora and Lucien be kept as family heirlooms. All the others are up for grabs I guess ;_;

[100] Do you think you'll ever tire of your SD? Why/Why not?
I get bored with them sometimes, but that’s what new clothes, eyes, and wigs are for. The thing I love is that they are so versatile, and there’s always new dolls coming out that I fall in love with.

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