Oct 17, 2004 20:32
I have not fallen from the face of the earth.
Things here are skating smoothly along their way. This weekend was filled with turtle soup, a bad play, and teaching Sunday school. The only elaboration I have is: do not go see A Bright Room Called Day, no matter how good you hear Tony Kushner is. Worst... play... ever. You know it's bad when the whole thing is about the implementation of the Nazi regime and I had a hard time not laughing out loud at one point.
Ahem. I am classless, perhaps.
Anyway, fall is coming on and it's just... beautiful. I walked outside tonight and smelled the air and it just... made me happy. I wish I knew how to explain it, but this time of year to me is so perfect and brings back so many memories, even from when I was little.
I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow, and on Tuesday morning I am going solo on my first ever plan presentation. Please wish me luck. I need it quite desperately.
I do believe that will fix me right up for the evening. I hope this finds everyone well.