I turned in that DANG PAPER!!

Oct 25, 2005 03:40

Its officially over, I turned in Dr. Brown's research paper and now I don't have to worry about, or be mad about, it anymore! I don't care what kind of grade I get because I put WAY more effort into that paper than she does teaching class (I think it was one of the worst papers I have ever written!)

I have ANOTHER Biology test coming up next Monday, but this time Mr. Russo gave us a study guide, so I think I'll do much better now that I know EXACTLY what to study. I like Mr. Russo but he takes life to seriously, know what I mean? He was saying something the other night about the test (something about it being hard, and he thought it was funny) so I JOKINGLY did the "Cough/Jerk" thing...HE GOT PISSED...It's like "GEEZE DUDE, Loosen the panties!!!" Overall I think he's a very smart/nice guy, he just wound a little tight!

I got so mad at a few of my fellow students yesterday! I don't exactly know who was responsible for it but SOMEBODY LEFT A HUGE MESS OUTSIDE THE GAME ROOM!! I could actually care less if it is clean or messy, its just that the game room workers get in trouble if it's not kept clean. I'm sorry to all of you who were there yesterday to see my display, but c'mon...if you're one of the ones leaving the mess...GROW UP and CLEAN UP YOUR DANG MESS! How stupid do you have to be to not be able to walk a MAXIMUM of four steps to a trash can and throw your shit away??? "YOUR MOTHER DOESN'T WORK HERE(There)...CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!!!" I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just my (and Heather's, and Matt's, and Kashmir's, and Diane's) job! So if you are our friends, please clean up your stuff!

I know it may sound like I HATE MECC, but actually it's just the opposite. I love MECC! It's one of the best things that has ever happened to me, it's WAY BETTER THAN HIGH SCHOOL...and I LOVED Lee High! I love my friends, I love the atmosphere, and I love *MOST* of the administration. It's just when someone acts stupid or careless (Students and Instructors) it really gets to me because they are RUINING the fun of college! I know it's not supposed to be *FUN* but if everyone would do what they are supposed to do, It would be a CONSTANT BLAST!!! Still, I am very proud to be a part of MECC!

I am going to try and get out of here in time enough to get to Heather's house and take a nap while she gets ready. I could use about an hour long power nap right about now. I need to go to sleep earlier at night, I'm ALWAYS exhausted. Oh no!, what if I'm sleepy all the time because I'm...I'm...I'm....A DIABETIC?? HAHA...Nah it's not that, although when I first found out about this whole pancreatic failure I was always DOG TIRED from my blood sugars being around !!!700!!! (Normal for a non-diabetic is under 100, Diabetic normal...120) Does anybody have an extra pancreas or something?? If you ever come across on on like eBay or something, let me know, k?

Until next time America...May The Force Be With You!

Johnny Woliver (J to the Wo-lizzle...What??? Where did that come from?? I've been hanging around Flick too much!)
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