Title: Roleplay
Universe: Nolanverse
Challenge: #o1.Theatre
Character/Pairing: Harvey/Rachel
Rating: hard pg.13
Warnings: sexual situations
Author's Notes: for
batfic100. drabble fourteen. This one was a lot of fun to write.
"Have you ever been interested in acting, Harvey?" Rachel's voice floats from the bathroom. Harvey sits on the bed surrounded by paperwork.
"Not really," he answers.
"What about," a pause, "roleplay?"
She's caught his attention. "Roleplay?"
Rachel's head pokes out from the bathroom. "I've been accused of killing my husband," she takes sultry steps out of the bathroom towards him, "You, my attorney, are having an affair with me and know that I'm completely guilty because," she crawls onto the bed, "I killed him for you."
"Not exactly acting for me, is it?" he smiles.
"Then let me do all the acting."
The paperwork is forgotten.