I think I am going to specialize in addictive medicine.

Jan 06, 2008 17:09

I know that sometimes I think more about myself when I should think less and sometimes I think less about myself when I should think more. It is a constant battle between my ego and self hate. I am trying to destroy myself. This battle manifests itself in choices. Sometimes I choose to be great, I choose to be selfless and virtuous. Other times I choose horrible things. I choose to project my self hate on others through criticism or towards myself through action. These fluctuations are tied into addiction. I cannot see how, yet. Maybe this pseudo-bipolar behavior runs parallel to addictive behavior. The addiction is exacerbated during peaks and troughs of mood? Conversely, maybe there is a more intimate connection. The troughs and the peaks of happiness actually define the addiction and the abuse of an action or a substance is a consequence, not a cause? Regardless, addiction is a blatant reality. Probably to more people than we will ever know. In the United States alone about 50 million people regularly smoke tobacco and another 5 million are addicted to other drugs. I believe the number is much greater if we were to include non-destructive addictions. And life itself, the simple passing of years, aggravates the condition. Life beats you down. If you really live, you will really be beaten. Life tells you to be insecure, to avoid vulnerability, to protect yourself. Many people choose this route. I may even go as far to say that they are addicted to this route.

I think I am going to specialize in addictive medicine.

Basic Definition:

HBO special about addiction:

“Addiction News”

“Psychedelic Drug News”

“Addiction Breakthrough May Lead To New Treatments” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070302082810.htm

“LSD Treatment For Alcoholism Gets New Look” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/10/061007111350.htm

“LSD Finds New Respectability”

“Controversial Drug Shown To Act On Brain Protein To Cut Alcohol Use”

New Prescriptions for Addiction Treatment
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