Mar 18, 2005 10:11
Its Friday... which means its almost time for BRYANT! haha I think its pretty sad how much i like it there.. but home just ins't cutting it lately... I am also happy cuz i get to get my hair cut today! i love haircuts! Oh and Saturday I get to hang out w/ my favorites of back home, AMANDA & KAITLYN!
well my break has been pretty uneventful but on tuesday me and KRISSY went and saw the Pacifier, and boy was it good! and Vin was hott as usual! i dont care what anyone says... he cant be gay... way to big and hot and manly to be gay. hhahaha! oh and at the movies some white trash trailer park mother and daughters walked in.. and the mom was yelling at one of her daughters b/c she steals her money to buy her white trash clothes/accessories at walmart! The mother announced that she has to count her money so she can see if her daughter steals from her.. hahahahahah that is kinda sad.... omg ha and when they were pickin seats a daughter was tellin her friend they couldnt sit in a certain row cuz her mom couldnt sit that close.. but then her mom was pickin a seat and it was in the row the daughter said was too close, it was really funny but u probably just had to be there.. hahahah