Apr 01, 2004 20:39
Well, I haven't written in here in a while, but I felt that I must. I was just looking at Xangas... but livejournal is way way way better. You can do a ton of awesome stuff on livejournal.. Well I am kind of mad right now, William knows the cause of this frustration. Dang I feel so rushed dang it! I have a Vietnam project due Tuesday. I have to build a model airplane of a B-52 strato fortress... those things are huge... and the thing is im not gonna have any time to do it this weekend... Tommorow I am goin over to a friends house and spending the night... so I doubt that I will have time to do it then... Saturday I have a crawfish boil at 3, this is if I am able to go... because I also have a trackmeet that starts like at 9 saturday(or at least the bus leaves at 9, which is really stupipd because Vicksburg, where Warren Central is, is only 45 minutes away, and at we would get there around 10... The meet does not start until 11 and they usually run about 5-7 hours long, and on top of this i would not run until 2ish soo i am definately not taking the bus my parents will take me or I will find a ride) Sunday I will not have time because I am going to church(I might have to skip it because I am so frantic) and at 3 we have MU ALPHA THETA convention this weekend, lasting until monday wohoo we miss school... so i wont have time to do it during the convention.. this really sucks... but on the bright side, there is gonna be some little dance at the math convention and I am going to good will tommorow and gonna buy like a 4 dollar either pink or green tux... i havenet decided... help me out the color green would be like my bannna republic green sweater that i wear sometimes.. and the pink would be like my pink shirt that i wore today.. either way its gonna be awesome hahaha.. but i hope i can find time to do this stratofortress..and freakin today i was gonna to my soccer game and skip karate and femi told me 715 and i had no idea where so i didnt get home until 745 dang it, i could have just gone to karate...err i hate wasting time.... well anyways i feel like-----OH! at that convention we are also gonna have a huge risk game!-- sounds kind of nerdy i know but it will be freakin awesome! we will have like 4 risks boards (including mine) and we will have a risk tournament on seperate boards until it is down to one board.. and we will also have one huge risk game on like 4 risks boards! it will be great!
i think that is it wohoo