It comes along

Aug 23, 2007 17:47

Yesterday I waited for 8 hours for the guy from the gas company to come. He was supposed to be at the new place between 8am and 1pm. He ended up showing up at 4:00. In that time, I installed two curtains on the windows, set up all the furniture, put all the books on shelves, and watched three episodes of Six Feet Under. Fortunately, there's a very generous and anonymous neighbor who is letting me use his unsecured wireless network at the new place, so the fact that I can't get cable installed yet isn't too bad. I just want to get it in as soon as possible, since I'm going to need it when my neighbor figures out how to turn on the encryption on his router.

But the gas is on. So now I just need hot water and the place will be half livable.
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