Nov 06, 2004 18:23
Ugh my life is so horrible, everyone thinks I have it easy, but they have no idea, some times I feel like running away, sometimes I feel like stealing my mom, dad, or sister's car, and some times I feel like just dieing, and sometimes I feel like making myself die., Or hurting myself. Whats there to live for? what is there to care for? I mean I have absolutely nothing to live for friends? Which friends? Family HAHA thats a fucking joke... School? LOL i get straight F's and my teachers bitch about it every day as if i should care... but do i? FUCK NO! i dont care about my grades, myself, my life, NOTHING matters, i mean i go to school every day, covering myself up because im insecure about my weight, I have to fucking wear something over my shirt at all times, i get made fun of at LEAST 5 times a day, yesterday some dumb fucker named Tracey Lincoln slapped me and made me spill coke all over myself, and i could just about kill myself, today, i did absolutely nothing, as usual, the past few weeks, i have done nothing on fridays, or the weekend. i just say home, mope around and think weather life is really worth it... Like seriously is life really worth it? is the suffering really worth it? other people have it easy, they are nice and skinny, and if they at once werent, they threw up or didnt eat until they were, or some diet and exercise until they are, or some eat healthy, OR some just fucking eat what ever the fuck they want, as much as they want and dont gain shit! And on top of that ive noticed that mostly skinny people are popular, and popular people are sour, not as sour as me, but still sour never the less... But me... My future is me taking shit from my family, school kids, and imma get bad grades, probably end up cutting myself, end up going crazy and going to a mental hospital from it, and i will live a horrible life, and if i dont go fucking crazy then i will end up getting horrible grades, going into a depression and fucking goring to a HORRIBLE college... and that is my prediction.. but who knows what really will happen, or better yet, who the fuck cares!!!???!!!???