Jan 14, 2004 17:41
So the new semester has started, and I've been in classes for a week already. I am, in a very geeky way, excited about most of my classes (3 out of 5) in contrast to last semester. Here's my schedule:
GEOG 10-Environmental Systems
GEOG 70- Intro to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
CLAS 006k- Roman Civilization in Cinema
PORT 02- Portuguese 2
ANTH 10 - Intro to Anthropology
Yep, you guessed it, I'm an geography major. I tell people that and there is an awkward silence following it. I should lie and say I'm majoring in Women's Studies with a minor in African-American Studies. Hey. it'd get their attention.
Only one of my profs is American (defined as being born in America), and he's the most colorful (more on him later). The rest are British, Brazilian, Chinese, and one I will call "General European" (at times he sounded British, at other times Scottish, as well as Greek and Slavic...his name is Phiroze Vasunia, if that means anything).
My sole American professor is very, very, Rastafarian. He has so much hair tied up behind his head(it's against their belief to cut it) that I first thought he had a turban on! He also has a long beard and a red, yellow and green scarf.
On tuesday he was asking the class about common stereotypes. Someone shouted out "Rastas smoke pot". The laughter slowly built up to a roar, and when it died down, Dr. Price said "Some stereotypes have a little truth to them", which threw the class into another bout of laughter.
One more thing, I'd post the snow pics and New Year's pics here, but I have no idea how. Does anyone else know?