Title: Hikaru's Phoenix
Chapter Title: Chapter Eight: The Serpent Line
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Genre: AU, Fantasy
Pairing: Touya Akira and Shindou Hikaru
Summary: In this Alternate Universe the Hikago characters are preoccupied with shamanic magic instead of go. Think Tokyo Babylon, not Shaman King.
Warning: Will contain slash and smut in the future.
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Comments 62
The next chapter will be longer. With my foxes. And maybe...finally...I will manage to fit in the slash I'd been intending since the beginning.
*blushes at compliments*
I figured. I was just...surprised. I've always gotten a few, but that one went waaaay past my head. So I thought I'd share it.
I love this, I really do. I wish it was a bit longer but I'll settle for faster updates. :)
It's giving me such lovely crack!fic plot bunnies though...
This one was short. It's an interlude before another *hopefully* biggy. I needed to develop Ogata. ^_^
Humans with Serpent/Dragon ancestry in England--that's very interesting. Do you have any plans for that throwaway line?
Regarding the comment on FF.net--I don't detect any resemblance to Pokemon. What I do see is a coincidental similarity to Dune. The Orochi breeding the Touya family to produce the true Ryu is eerily like the Bene Gesserit working on the noble families of the Galactic Empire to produce the Kwisatz Haderach--a psychic messiah. I don't mind it. In fact, I think it's a nice touch.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Can you guess which HP family line would be from Shirohebi's? ^_^
I like the focus as Ogata in this chapter. I've always felt that Ogata never really gets enough credit in fics. (Though I must admit, now that you've centralized him in a chapter like this I'm just totally waiting for when he starts meddling in Akira's affairs for his own personal amusement.)
That, and: Hundreds of years later, the many offspring from Shirohebi’s line had propagated to different parts of the world-some even as far as England, or so the rumors said. Let it be known that my first reaction was 'Harry Potter, please?' ^^;;
As for Pokemon- I think the best idea here is don't ask. Some people are just strange.
Waiting for your next chapter. :)
Let it be known that my first reaction was 'Harry Potter, please?' ^^;;
YES!!! Someone caught the reference! Do you know how much I'm dying to do a crossover of this fic with HP? Ogata would technically become Lord Voldemort's distant relative.
O_o Yes. I'm sane. Really. No. Don't ask. Don't. Okay fine. Ask. But I can't promise a coherent answer.
As for a HP crossover...
Yes, please. XD
(Ogata being related to LV is just way too much to resist.)
*insert major O_o here*
And Ogata would light his cigarette, look around, and say something sardonic. <3
Pokemon: I'll fit it in my busy schedule...somehow.
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