Wow what a day!!!!! Okay so today was my last Private Lesson!!!!!! I AM DONE!!! Also my appointment was fine and me and my mom went to Forever 21 together and I browsed as usual. Well anyways after I finished browsing in the like pretty much the whole store so I went to the boys section ( very small part of the store by the way) and so you know this vest on Danny........ I saw like the same one in Forever21 in gray! I kinda wanted to buy it. I also want to try the sushi bar next to it! ^^Oh well! So anyways there was no badminton today so I went to Health Track and while I was working out my back hurt. Well anyways the LJ user tokyoemergency introduced me to this Taiwanese drama called Brown Sugar Machiato!!! I ♥ it!!! The guitarist looks like Leeteuk to me! Anyways he is the link if anyone wants to try it. It is really good!!! Also I will try to not be so lazy and make more fanfictions for Now the last bits of news. First of all this is kind of old but on TMZ Danny finally tells them OFF!!! Even though it is serious it is kind of funny!! Danny is kawaii (cute)!!!! Also Miley Cyrus's " 7 things" is stuck in my head. It is suppose to be about Nick Jonas breaking up with her! That is the part of Disney Channel I don't really like. Anyways POSTING TIME!!!!!
Danny Noriega Telling Off TMZ then Miley Cyrus "7 Things"
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Danny Noriega in his MAGICAL VEST