God damn it, Japan!

Aug 18, 2008 19:43

Интересно, а наше телевидение до таких Хпериментов когда дойдут и дойдут ли вообще?

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Ну а вот ютублог одной /Маги?\, которую сначала приняла за ниппоночку, кривляющуюся на камеру, но почитав блог /собственно через него и наткнулась на неё\ одного субъекта М пола, присмотрелась к ней повнимательнее.А ведь точно, то-то сижу и думаю,что что-то в ней/девочке-Маги?\ не то, фальшивое и какое-то не кавайное/ну ладно, ладно, быть может не достаточно для ниппонки кавайная\. Вопщм вот комментарии Молодого Человека, я хихикала #__#

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I'm confused. I have this burning rage and raging boner at the same time. I’m pretty sure I want to strangle and fuck this girl, I’m just not quite sure in which order.

Why do I hate this girl? She is the epitome of what is wrong with Japan in general. The bitch isn’t ginger Japanese. She’s just using makeup to look ginger Japanese. And pretending to be ginger Japanese with makeup is the worst thing anybody can do!

First of all, the silly voice isn’t cute, it’s never cute when combined with real flesh and bone. You know how voice actresses sometimes have to sing songs with their in-character voices? It hasn’t been tried yet, but I’m sure that is a violation against the United Nations Convention against Torture. Not to mention that it is retarded.

The second thing that makes me want to puke is the flashing of V-signs. The V-sign is as old as Earth itself. Find something new already! Seeing how Churchill was the one to introduce it in modern times, it’s basically a big fuck you to the Japanese.

Huge forehead, imperfect teeth, sharp knees… I could go in forever listing imperfections. But there is still something about her when you look beyond her imperfections and retarded mannerism. I have no qualms about raping retards as long as they are not far too repulsive. Unlike 14-year-olds, they know how to keep a secret. Even if they do tell, who the hell is going to believe a retard?

Man, those huge pair of… on her tiny body… staring… gah… creepy. Look at those eyes! It doesn’t help that half her youtube videos are bukkake-esque clips without moneyshots.
Гхм.. почитала комментарии к его посту, много было злобствующих "троллей", но этот заставил подумать над "серьёзностью" вопроса "для чего люди заливают всякий шлак на YT"


MRirian is 21 and is the greatest postmodernist comedian of our time. First she is not trying to be cute. She is trying to look like :3-tan. If you don’t know who that is then fuck you.
In fact she is trying to parody YouTube. As others said, it’s pretty retarded to post WRYYYYYY videos of yourself trying to be a smartass. So she stays silent! At least that’s how it was initially.
Her videos are also titled “** Nothingness No.X **” and similar.
You could call her a troll and very successful looking at the YT comments or this blog! She’s also among the most watched. Second, she is 21. Look at those tittays.
She has essentially proven that context makes entertainment. Like Méret Oppenheim proved it for art.
Her perceived weeabooness might annoy you, but there are MILLIONS of people, that’s a large percentage of all YouTube users, who watch each and every one of her videos. And they adore her.

She won & you lost.


Owarii Minna #___#
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