Sep 02, 2009 09:57
Have you ever had a moment where you just stopped whatever you were doing and literally just thought about a word? Where did it come from? Why is it spelled that way? Who decided that it meant what it meant?
I remember an epic one I had about the word "alligator," a while back, but that's not what prompted this entry. I tend to try and form an opinion, for some reason, on whether or not I LIKE a word. What do I think of it? For example, I decided, after breaking it down repeatedly syllable by syllable, that "alligator" is a kind of a SILLY word. Too silly almost for the thing it represents.
Well anyways, what brought about this post is me trying to figure out if I'm the only one who does this, because it doesn't EXACTLY seem normal to suddenly study a word that could be really very basic and you've heard before, but for some reason, it seems different this time.
Before mom left for work, she said to me, "Oh, and can you water those pots in the front yard before you go? They're looking pretty droopy," and was off.
I spent the next five minutes repeating the word "droopy" with different inflections, half of which normal humans don't tend to make, and concluded that it's a really cute word. Unlike "alligator," it fits perfectly for what it is representing. I say it and immediately think of a melancholy, floppy eared rabbit or something of the sort.
So tell me, anyone else do this? XD
boredom-my disease of choice,
avoid this entry at all costs