Happy birthday brother no.1 and the new bro!
I'm sorry for your belated birthday and everything.
At least we gave you a cake.
And umm
I have a new baby broooo.
We still call it "dekkk" since we don't have a name for him yet.
"Dek/Adek" is little kid. I think. o.o
So my 1st bro's birthday is in 25th May and the new one just yesterday.
He reaaaaally looks like me, I'm planning to put his videos in YouTube or something.
I just listened to ALL DUES songs.
LOL I'm so late.
I must say they're all good-ish.
I saw
_klonie_'s painting was cute. x]
Kak Tiara's painting was really sad, it nearly made me cry.
And I told my parents about it and stuff.
I love hospital food. XDDDD
Me and
cristalgem nearly met in the hospital!!
I'm still practicing my beatboxing and that Suju's dance.
Next week is a big week for me.
I have the drama play and my ASSEMBLY.
We are trying to make it better than other assembly. Which was Part 1.