I sent off to get a Proof of Age card today, I'm glad I did. I have no photo I.D. as it is. I hate buying things, doing things that are 18+ or 21+, I expect them to yell at me with "YOU'RE NOT OVER x!!" So I don't often attempt such things.
I've been looking at so many forms lately. Filling in information and reading a lot. I do understand the reasons behind why they have identity information needs but I absolutely hate it. Three forms I've looked at for different things require photo identification. Passport or drivers license they list. So basically they expect me to drive a car or have traveled overseas? I have so much indignation for the whole expectation of identification. I need a Justice of the Peace to sign my birth certificate in one case and in another I had to know someone on a list with very specific professions to write details and sign photos of me. I also do have to know that person for over one year. This is all as I don't have photo identification.
The amount of identification you need for such simple things is ridiculous these days. Like selling goods to EB Games I remember being another pain. Buying a phone too. When I went with
duriretlan once for her to get a new mobile phone, the lady said you need a drivers license, strictly. You need to drive to buy a phone? It's against the law to use a mobile phone and drive at the same time, maybe not so oddly enough.
This rant was really unexpected... I should stop ranting just about every lj entry I make.