Nothing ever simple

Nov 02, 2008 20:29

why can't life ever be simple? I'm not having some sort of relationship crisis in the romantic sense right now. Everything is great in that aspect right now. My relationship woes for once lay with my mother and myself. We were arguing about prop. 8 and for those of you who do not live in california
"Proposition 8 is an initiative state constitutional amendment on the 2008 California General Election ballot, titled Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry.[1][2] If passed, the proposition would "change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California."[3] A new section would be added stating "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."[3]

The measure was originally submitted for the ballot by petitioners with the title "California Marriage Protection Act."[4] The title and summary were revised by Attorney General Jerry Brown to more "accurately reflect the measure."[5] The Superior Court of California ruled in favor of these changes, stating, "The title and summary is not false or misleading because it states that Proposition 8 would 'eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry' in California. The California Supreme Court unequivocally held that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry under the California Constitution." [6]"

So yeah i'm against that. I'm against that kind of thing in general. However my mom is not, though she does not know I myself am gay she knows my cousin takako is gay. She is still very against it, so we argued and she shouted at me
"what are you? homosexual or something?" to which i replied
"would it matter if I was?" her almost instant reply was,
"yes it would, because it means I would have lost you and that the church would have lost you" that hurt. That hurt a lot. all i could say was
"it would not change the person i am if i were gay. I would still be the same person who's standing here and talking to you"
and she said "no you'd be away from jesus and away from me"

I feel like crap now. How am I ever going to tell her?
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