Title: Underground Princess
Author: harukafujimaru
Genre: AU, romance, adventure, mystery
Rating: PG
Summary: Sakura is an ordinary high school girl until a mysterious guy came and saved her life. Later on, she found out that he is the one that will guard and guide her. Other girls experienced it also. They also found out that they are included in an underground battle and each of them has their personal guide. Will that battle will be the way to change their life and help them to see the true love they’re waiting?
Author’s note: First of all, this story is my gift to my friend, Sakura, it is the very first time I’ll be writing a fic for her especially we have the same ichiban… hehehe… I’m not really good at writing stories that’s why when I’m writing fics I don’t have the guts to post it here. The very first fic I’d ever posted here was Unrevealed Identities, but it’s not yet finished and I’m not posting the next chapter of it also. This is the very first time that I will have the guts to have an OC search here. I hope you’ll like my story… even though I don’t have confidence in my fic… hehehe…… And I don’t update fast because I’m studying but probably, the cause of the late update is I don’t have just time to post it here… I’m challenging myself through writing a fic with OC… hehehe…
Current music: Konjou Nashi-Miura Haruma and Time-Takaki Yuya
It’s the second time he saved my life. Whenever my life put in danger, I feel he’s just some where ready to save me. That feminish but emotionless face always looking at me and guarding me, I don’t know why.
That small guy saved me twice, but still he’s a stranger to me. I don’t know his name. The first time he saved me was I almost bumped by a car whose driver was intently targeting me. He just popped in and saved me and just gone away silently in a glimpse of an eye. Again, he saved me from a woman wearing black, attacking me and planning to kill me. After he saved me, he just ran away and did not look at me. I am Inoue Sakura, and this is my fate.
“Good morning Sakura! How’s your natsu yasumi? Is it fun? Mine was good!” her long wavy-haired friend told her.
“It’s fun but a little bit dangerous, Shi.” Sakura answered.
“Eh? What happened?” the slightly short-haired girl asked.
Sakura, and her short-haired friend, Haruka were accelerated from junior high to senior high. That’s why they’re age are two years younger to their friend, Shizuka, the long wavy-haired girl who is sixteen years old now. Sakura is an ordinary high school girl that lives together with her Auntie since her parents died from a car accident when she was still 3 years old. But she decided that after summer vacation, (natsu yasumi) she will live together with her friends in a dormitory since her Auntie’s house is far from their school. Shizuka is the oldest among them. She is introvert but kind. But when she’s angry, you can’t do anything but shut your mouth because she’ll just speak non-stop. Her parents died too like Sakura. Haruka is one-month younger from Sakura, so in short, she is the youngest but the most mysterious. She just looks like a simple girl but they don’t know anything about their background. She doesn’t want to speak about it. Even when the parent-teachers’ conference, her guardian is the only one that will come. That’s why sometimes they think that Haruka’s parents are business men but whenever they are asking about it to Haruka, she will just change the topic.
“Hi-mit-su!” Sakura said, and then she ran entering their classroom.
Class 2-A
When the school is about to start, their teacher said that the new transferees will be their classmates. Since they knew each other because they were classmates last year (1st year senior high, now they’re 2nd year senior high) the new transferees are just the ones that they don’t knew.
“There are five new transferees… Introduce yourselves.” Their teacher told them.
“Yamada Ryosuke desu, yoroshiku!” One of the transferees greeted that made others flail.
“Chinen Yuri desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” He greeted, looking at Sakura that made her freeze.
“That man…” she told herself. “He’s the one that saved me twice. That’s him. Yeah. That’s him.”
“Morimoto Ryutaro desu! Yoroshiku!” He smiled. Even though he looks like it’s obvious that he’s the youngest still the reaction of the girls still the same.
“Nakajima Yuto desu!” He made a peace sign and smile. And of course others shouted ‘AAHHH~Kawaii!’
“Hello, I’m Okamoto Keito. Nice to meet you!” he said in English and made others amazed because you will already notice how fluent he is in speaking English even though he’s Japanese.
They chose where to sit and Chinen sat beside the window, beside Sakura. After class, Sakura asked Chinen if she can talk to him alone. He agreed and they went to the rooftop.
“Chinen-kun, are you by any chance the one that saved me?” Sakura asked directly.
“Yeah. And by the way, from now on, I’ll be with you always. Beware; your life is in danger.” Chinen said.
“You’ll be with me always? My life is in danger?” Sakura gasped.
“Yeah. I’ll be direct to you. You remember why those people intently attacked you?”
“No, I’m actually confused about it. Do you know something about it?”
“Even though Japan has its prime minister, there is an organization, ‘Controller’ that really controls the whole Japan. Every fifty years, the Controller is holding a battle to choose for an Underground Princess that will control the whole Japan. The Princess has the authority to control the whole Japan together the chosen Underground Prince. The Organization is a TOP SECRET that only few know it. The 15 girls that were chosen by the crown will have the chance to compete. And that’s my mission here; to protect the one of the crown had chosen. While this competition is going on, your life is still in danger, 1 month, from now, the real competition will begin, but the others are starting now. They are trying to get rid of the others.” Chinen stated. “I’m the chosen partner of yours, Sakura-sama, Chinen Yuri. The chosen partners will be competing as well to be the Underground Prince. By the way, Shizuka-sama, is one of the chosen.”
“Huh? Shi-chan? But how? And why did the crown chose me? I don’t want to be the Underground Princess! My life is good even I’m not the Underground Princess.”
“Your parents.”
“How about my parents? They already died.”
“No, they’re alive. They were prisoner as well as Shizuka’s parents. Until the competition is done, they will be prisoner.” Chinen told her.
“My parents?”
‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ A scream from their room was heard.