moar ghosties...

Nov 09, 2009 22:20

Apparantly, I live across the street/go to school to one of the most haunted places in Pittsburgh. Huh.

Many ghost hunting sites'll tell you horrific stories. However in my four years here, not much's happened. They talk about the Lady in White, the Bouncing Red Meanie, John Johnson...blah blah blah. There've been only three instances where I've encountered such things.

One>> I first noticed what might be Weeping Eleanore, in the women's bathroom on the second floor (in the costume shop hallway). There're two stalls, I always use the one on the left (because the one on the right is just...well the doors' always a strange way). And I always feel like someone's lookin' at me.'s awkward feeling like having someone watch you pee, but...feels kind of like that.

Two>> Footsteps in the hallway when there shouldn't've been. And Gorgeous George (according to Joan) steals sharpies.

Three>> So, normal day (like...two o'clock in the afternoon), and there must've been people there. Including ALL our designers. So someone called for one of our designers, a female voice we all didn't recognize. We all stopped and looked around and were like...weird. And a few minutes later, I got this awful cough. I couldn't get rid of it, so I left the playhouse and immediately felt better.

Four>> Very recent. I'm in the Rauh, going through paintings so I can do mine (for Scenic painting). As I'm doing so...I realize that the work light sucks, and look up the house lights are dimming slowly. I call up to the one's there. The house finally goes dark (to my joy, the doors were slightly ajar, and it was around...eleven in the afternoon. But...what the fuck...

Fun stuff huh? The ghost at Capital Playhouse also liked me alot too...somehow... is REALLY cold in here...maybe someone left the door open...bah.

I should update more often...
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