I know, I said I wouldn't update from here, but...

Jun 14, 2009 20:36

a meme ^^

1. What was your first cosplay? (Think hard on this)
A pretty lame Haruhara Haruko, but I focused on Canti (one of the first ones out there actually, pretty damn proud of that one ^^).

2. Did someone get you into cosplay? Or on your own?
I'd seen some cosplay at my first two cons, and really got into it that way.

3. What is your favourite cosplay?
I gotta say, the Hero from DQ8. First time I made a sword too. And one that I made for someone else: Xellos...or Bridget.

4. Which is your least favourite?
I'd have to say Nana...it was just bad...

5. At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays? (Unless you're a closet cosplayer you can skip this one)
Yep! and the other ones I make ^^.

6. How many have you done?
Lesee. Prolly Fifteen/ten for myself, and...perhaps twenty five/thirty for other people

7. What are the top 5 on your list of "Want to Cosplay"?
Sonia Belmont (Castlevania Legends)
Sniper Wolf (Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes)
Beleza (Skies of Arcadia)
Sewer Fairy (Silent Hill 3)
Needle Woman (Fatal Frame III: The Tormented)

8. What female cosplay do you want to do most?
Prolly Sonia.

9. What male cosplay do you want to do most?
D. Nuff said ^^.

10. What do you prefer to do, make or buy your costumes?
Make. Then again, it's totally not cool to do ten in two weeks...learned that the hard way -_-;;

11. Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
Prolly when drunken baseball fans exited Camden Yards and asked if me questions like "is that sword real?" and "are you a pirate?" when I was the Hero from Dragon Quest 8...oh that was awkward. Also getting chosen for Video Games Live 2007, and getting asked the same first question. Didn't win, but got complimented like mad.

12. Your dream cosplay?
Something just...really fucking awesome. Maybe some Mandalorian armour or something...

13. Is there a pattern in your cosplays? If so, what? (Things like they have a certain personality, or hair colour)
I tend to stick to obscure characters, or if it's a popular character, I'll do a costume from, like, a different episode.

14. Your most recent cosplay?
Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun at Tekkoshocon 2009

15. What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own?
I'd love to work in larger groups, but it takes a hell of a lot to organize.

Now to get back to work on "Dead Space"
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