rant rant rant, bitch, bitch fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 19, 2010 22:07

I am like five seconds away from going postal on someone's ass and it's going to be my mother's if she's not carefull. Bitch bitch bitch. That's all she's been doing all winter! If she's not bitching about my ex-dad, she's bitching about snow, and if it's not that, it's work! My older sister's no different. All she does when we talk on AIM is bitch about Japan. How she has to travel alone! If that was my biggest problem, I wouldn't be downing meds like candy! Speaking of fucking meds, when are my anti-kill-myself meds suppose to fucking kick in? I'm been taking them for two months and I STILL feel like shit. The only thing good about my therapist is when I finally DO kill my mother, I can plee insanity. I mean, freaking come on! If I'm ganna be fucking stuck with depresstion my whole damn ass life I should be at least able to get something out of it. Something WORTH getting other then pure freaking hatred for everyone freaking around me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a realated note to that, homework's a bust. I can feel myself purposly sabatosing myself when it comes to getting it done, but I can't seem to stop myself. I know I need to do it, but I just don't feel like it. I can't make myself do it any more. I'm just so tired of being frustrated all the time. I don't want to be responsible any more. I've been responsible my whole life, when do I get to slack off and be dumb like other kids my age? I just want to curl up and read my book. Nothing else. Just what I want to do. No homework, no work, no bitching mom, no nothing. Just me, my book, a blanket, and tea.
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