Feb 08, 2010 15:55
I've been sleeping off an on all day, which means I'll be up all night. Bleh. Library may have to wait to Wed or Th. My stomach feels better but I drank all my apple juice, and I'm still thirsty from losing all that fluid but I really don't feel like bundling up to go to the store for some since I still have the virus and won't be able to rush to the bathroom (closest store here doesn't have one). So looking in my fridge I pondered. Milk? Too thick. Don't want to risk it. Water? Ya right. So I'm drinking grape kool-aid. My stomach's making weird noises but I hope it keeps it down.
My head hurts - probably from sleeping so much - so I can't do homework. So I'm reading friends posts instead. :D
On Sunday when I was watching my anime, cartoon network showed a commercial of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and I squealed. It's going to be playing at 12am so that means my anime fest starts earlier and with a very hot guy too. *chuckles* I love Ed.
Speaking of Edward Elric, I had an awesome Friday! I had awesome things happening all day and while taking the bus back from Barre (made an appt with my counselor about the new trimester), the bus driver pulled into Price Chopper (an awesome grocery store)! Usually the bus drivers don't do that, but this one did. Yay! So I got off the bus, went in PC for a sandwich and soda, texted Izzy at 12:30 for her to take her pills, then walked to Blockbuster to rent some videos. The guy at the counter was so nice! When I asked him if he had the Full Metal Alchemist movie, he actually said their anime section sucks and ordered it for me online! I got an email today saying it was on its way. Woo-hoo! And if I remember correctly I can buy the movie from Blockbuster when I go to return it? I'll have to double check when I do that. That would be so cool if I can! :D
So after Blockbuster I walked to the Halloween store (they sell costumes and accessories all year long) to see if they had wolf ears for my Mew Mew outfit. When I walked in the woman apologized saying I had to leave my bookbag with her and when I gave it to her she said, "Harry Potter bookbag. Niiice." :) I found the wolf ears and got me some nail polish and while I was buying my stuff (the lady gave me back my bookbag and I took out my wallet) I looked up and saw my next Halloween outfit. It is so pretty! I'm going to buy it next week while coming back from my counselors appt. The lady also mentioned my nails and how she wished she could grow hers that long and being caught offguard I told her that I cut them in January and I'll be growing them longer. It later hit me while I was waiting for the bus that that probably came out wrong. I wasn't bragging. I had the erge to go back and tell her it's for a cosplay I'll be doing in May. But then comes the explanation of who InuYasha is if she doesn't know him (most people don't know what anime is here). So I didn't.
So while I was waiting for the bus hoping I didn't miss it, Izzy texted me asking where I was and she picked me up! Well her mother did anyway since Izzy doesn't have a car anymore and is having her mother drive her all the time. So I got a ride home and I told Izzy's mom that she could let me out at Shaws instead of taking me home cause I needed to get groceries. Saw a cute guy in one of the aisles filling the shelves but he looked too young so I just gave him a smile when he looked my way.
And that was my awesome day. There was more that happened before leaving for Barre but I forget what.