Dec 12, 2008 12:14
I just finished with my OC II exam 45 minutes ago. I could still sit in the lecture hall for another 45 minutes. *headdesks* It was easy. Very easy. There was one thing I didn't really know anything about, but then again I only looked at that for maybe a minute yesterday, just before I went to sleep. I still managaed to write down something for that task. I think that was the first exam I had where I only had to write down formulas. If I don't get at least 75%, I think I have to kill myself out of shame. *snorts*
Yesterday was my second real day of the OC lab. I and two others distilled, while almost the whole room went home after maybe an hour or two to study for today. If they even showed up at all. Monday I can finally, finally dry my cristalls and Thursday at the latest I'll need to weigh them and put a bit in the IR-spectroscope. Then I'll be able to finish the report during the christmas break.
Oh, how I'm anticipating christmas break. Preparations for the rest of my experiments, very much studying for the second part of OC II, studying for spectroscopy and measuring and PC II. And every now and then there'll be family gatherings stealing my time. Joy.