Marching J Baseball Game Report

May 30, 2011 03:54

I wrote the following report to my friend but decided to modify it slightly and post it to my journal too so I could remember the details in the future and so that anyone who wanted to read about it could. Please excuse any typos and gross lack of sentence structure and a very clear Koyama bias.

My ticket

The signage outside the venue.

J white and J red. There were no goods for sale at the venue but as you came in the door everyone received a double sided flag.

First let me say (since many people are asking) that  the final score was 10-9. I think they must have only been playing till 10 because they didn't play all the innings. Uchi, Koyama, Tegoshi, Tsubasa, Nakano, Kame, Kitayama, Nakamaru, and some other people I didn't know were on the J white team and Massu, Koichi, Nakai, Taguchi, Ueda (He never played. He came late and joined Koki.) Koki/Juri, Yokoo, Sakumoto, Takki, Fujigaiya, Yuma, Kawai, and some other people I didn't know were on J red. Massu and Tegoshi both played the same position on opposite teams. They were the left fielders and Koyama was the third base man and Uchi was on first. Kame was the white teams only pitcher. He and Takki were the team captains. Nakano played the position between 2nd and third and I'm not sure what it's called. I was much more invested in the white team so I'm not as sure what peoples position were on the red team. I know their first pitcher was Taguchi who sucked and was changed out almost immediately. Then Tanaka Juri and after him Kawai or Yokoo. The catcher for the red was Sakumoto. He was excellent. He was great at catching and batting. Everything started with them coming out and then they played a video with Nakai in it doing the poor father character complete with toy baby that's funny but that I don't know where it's from. Then after the video Nakai in character came out to throw the first pitch with a special light up ball. Then they brought out Shingo as a special guest batter. There was a funny bit before he threw the ball where he tried to put his toy baby on the ground but when the crowd said Eeeeeeeeeh he picked it up and said something like we were scary to the baby. Then Kame took the baby and the crazy girls next to us started going crazy and one of them started to cry when he patted it like it was real. It was CRAZY! After that he pitched to Shingo until he struck out and then Nakai complained and then Shingo attacked him. It was funny. Then the white took the field. We were close to Tegoshi and he cutely waved to us as he got in to position (my friend spent most of the game ogling Tegoshi's ass). The game was very fun. When Koki came up to bat he put his brother in instead while he went and joined the commentators. Everyone Ahhhh'ed over how well his brother played. When the white and red changed Tego was first to bat. He did well. Koyama was fifth at bat. He was so excited and had a child like smile the whole time. It was so sweet I've never seen him look like that before. He was very good the whole game and I don't think he was ever struck out. When they changed again Taguchi was only allowed to pitch a little bit before he was trade for Juri who was excellent and I think he could have pitch the whole game if he was given the chance but was later traded for Kawai (I think) who wasn't as good. The red team traded their players a lot and later in the game they had mostly Jrs from top groups on the field. Nakamaru and Massu were the worst batters. Massu was so embarrassed. He could never hit the ball when he was up at bat. At first he would try but after a while he just turned red and would swing. It was sad and I couldn't help cheering for him each time he came to bat even though I wanted the white team to win. After the white team won they awarded special awards to various players. When Kawai received his award he imitated Nakai dancing and everyone including Nakai laughed. After the awards all of the players walked around the stadium waving. Koyama was so cute and excited. Tegomass walked with him the whole time. At the end they stayed at the edge even after the Jrs started singing and dancing moving along to the music like they knew they wouldn't have the chance again for a while. Eventually they left and the Jrs, Kissumai (twice), Yuma, ABCZ, Kattun, Takki & Tsubasa, Uchi, and a couple of other Jr groups I didn't quite catch the name of performed. I really enjoyed Uchi, T&T and the medleys the Jrs sang (which included Seishun Fever and Kibou Yell) but I was super disappointed Koyama and Tegomass didn't preform. Especially when it was so very clear that they wanted to. All in all though I am super happy that I went. Takki and some of the others said they would like to make this an annual event and if they do I'll try to go next year too if Koyama is playing. It was a lot of fun but I don't think it would have been if he and the others hadn't been there. There were a lot of cameras there so I think there is a good chance there will be shop photos (they even lined up for group shots). Of course that could have just been for the magazines. At the very end they gave special presents to people in select seat that they put on the screen. Unfortunately I wasn't in one of those seats so I have no idea what it was.
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