While I understand that mainstream liberals need to reserve a few minutes to kissing Obama ass over his Justice Department's refusal to defend DoMA at the Supreme Court, I hope they can manage to tear themselves away for a few seconds from jizzing over the late-to-the-party shittily-half-hearted home-stretch ally bandwagoning to spare a few seconds of their damn attention to a REAL fucking LGBTQIA hero who now faces trial tomorrow morning under that same president's government:
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Margaret Cho's short piece on Dan Choi's trial tomorrow morning. Dan's relentless direct action forced the government's hand on DADT and helped lead to its repeal... and yet he's still being prosecuted for the activism he did on that front:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/margaret-cho/lt-dan-choi-on-trial_b_2948397.html Anyone surprised at all that news of Dan Choi's trial is being buried under all the happy DoMA coverage? Don't take your eyes off the ball, people.
P.S. Can I just say how much I fucking LOVE that two of the most outspoken queer public figures on the national stage are KOREAN-Americans? Fuck yes. That's the kind of role models I needed as a kid, and not those fucked up backwards-ass fascist-as-fuck right-wing Christian Kor-Ams I was forced to socialize with until I was old enough to say nothxbai.
P.P.S. Speaking of queer people being fucked over by this shit-ass excuse of a center-left government, please cf.
http://www.bradleymanning.org/learn-more/bradley-manning -- who is mostly ignored by mainstream liberals but would be a goddamn cause célèbre if we had a Republican president right now. I mean srsly Republicans, you all should just work to vote for and support Democratic presidents from now on, because they'll pull off all your hawkish foreign policy and corporatist wet dreams way easier than one of your own ever could. <3